Miss Peach stole hearts at the Vet this morning! She was such a good girl during it all. Her temperature was a bit low even though I heated up her peachy velvet blanket in the dryer before we left. The nice VET lady said her gums looked good and moist and this is a good sign that she is not too dehydrated. At this time there is not a need for Sub~Q's. We did discuss this and I told the VET I would be willing to help if needed. She does have a icky ear on the right side....her high white count confirms infection. We got 2 medicines for this. Her weight is low....4lbs 13 oz...I might have to rename her Miss Twiggy:) They stole some of her blood and the results are better than expected. Most of her counts are good. Her kidney function is a little worse than last years results, but not as bad as the VET would have expected it to be in a years time! So this is good news indeed. But there is some bad new to report also. She has a cancerous mammary tumor on her tiny tummy that is not operable. We will watch this closely to see any level of discomfort. Peach will be on Prednisone for this new development. This will also help her appetite some the VET said!
Now something that I have to wrestle myself with is the fact that my absence may have triggered this whole unhappy turn of events:( A cat can grieve itself into not eating. Maybe I will never leave again......
SO the medicine is in the cat, the cat is snuggled in her warm bed by the fire and I will now take a nap and dream of all my beloved friends in the Blogosphere who purrrrayed for a miracle and the results are in.......we have more time.....the greatest gift you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.....

Now something that I have to wrestle myself with is the fact that my absence may have triggered this whole unhappy turn of events:( A cat can grieve itself into not eating. Maybe I will never leave again......
SO the medicine is in the cat, the cat is snuggled in her warm bed by the fire and I will now take a nap and dream of all my beloved friends in the Blogosphere who purrrrayed for a miracle and the results are in.......we have more time.....the greatest gift you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.....
After I read this wonderful letter from my dear artist friend....I completely agree with Leonardo and am so proud of my little tiny Miss Peach! On gray days when you think your life does not matter...think again ...somewhere...to someone...it does!
~~~~An unexpected legacy from Miss Peach to my house~~~~
Hi Karla: I just want you to know how sad I am for you and Miss Peach. Her blog precipitated an unusual turn of events in our household. I'm sure she would be pleased. I was looking at her sweet pictures and especially the one where she is all snuggled up with you. As I was sadly looking at how loving that was, I also was reflecting that although our Chessie is very nice and has some fun qualities, she is not a snuggle bug and I really miss that. Just then our phone rang and my neighbor wanted to let me know she had a lead on an extremely good financial deal for a certain kind of dog that I have wanted for several years now. It is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and they were bred to be like Miss Peach. Just a bundle of snuggle lap love. Even though I had told my husband I didn't want any more pets, Miss Peach's love urged me on to convince him that I had changed my mind. So in a whirlwind of decision making and savings bond cashing, we now have the little sweetheart at home. He is 4 months old and snuggles just like she does. Our puppy is named 'Cricket' both for the English sport and the happy crickets chirping in the summer. Our cat Chessie, is not amused, but I'm sure he will win her heart eventually. He really really wants to be her friend.One other thing...my friend and I spent about an hour at the breeder's home, where she had the dog parents and another mom with a 4 week old litter. Also 2 Himalayan cats which were incredible cats! They came in and sat right down with all the commotion and wrestled and played with our puppy and let the kids in the family drag them around without protesting. The owner said that breed is like that. Hugs to you both and lots of love. Rebecca
Thank you my sweet little Peachy girl for being you...just as you are...your life has always made a big difference in mine....now it has once again, in Crickets! This morning we will be at the VET to see what we can do to help make Miss Peach comfortable. Keep us in your thoughts...till we get back.

See Miss Peach - you has touched all our hearts with your love and gentle ways. That was a nice story about Cricket the puppy. What a lovely home he has gone to.
We are sending lots of love to your and your mommy and lapdaddy today. I am sure the vet will be kind with you - you be brave sweet girl.
Poppy Q amd mum
What a sweet story! I wish Cricket all the best in his new home.
Miss Peach, good luck at the vet! I will be eagerly awaiting your report. Keep eating, OK?
Good luck when you go to the vet Miss Peach. I hope that the vet will have some good ideas on keeping you comfy and happy. Please keep eating and being as wonderful as you are!
Miss Peach
We hope you get the bestest news at the VET today. See love just continues to spread...isnt that a wonderful story about Cricket? Sending our purrs and snuggles.
Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Oh that's so lovely! :) Miss Peach you do so much for others without even knowing it... You make the world a lovely place! :)
mommie loves animabibbles so much.
The neighbors call her "dogmagnet" but that is because she goes out and walks so much and meets them.
MissPeach, we hope your vet visit will be very helpful. We are praying that your vet will have the best answers just right for you.
Mommie promised she would not let us go until we asked, when we are no longer happy. with subq's we have made a complete turn around. we are both very silly and behave like 8 year olds... at least!
We hope the vet will have good answers for you and your mom.
we love you.
soooo much
I hope your vet is able to help you be more comfortable little Miss Peach. More furryhugs.
Dearest, Miss Peach, just stopping by to check your progress and leave you a little warmth and love. I'm anxious to hear what he vet might have to help...
Warm, snuggly hugs, my sweet, friend...G
That is a wonderful story. Miss Peach has touched all our lives.
Miss Peach, I hope all goes well at the vet. I am purring and praying for you. I love you dearly.
We're sending our love and purrayers with you to the vet. We is sure he will be able to help you feel better. Cricket is a lucky little woofie. The love you've been passing around not only comes back to you but gets sent all around da blogosphere and beyond.
Dearest Miss Peach,
That is very great letter, I hope you could get more comfort and strength from it~!
And hope you have the best treatment to let you better.
Still praying for you~!
Oh that's so sweet that Cricket got a grate noo home cuz of yore inspiration, Miss Peach! We're sending you and yore mommy and lapdaddy lotsa purrs for yore trip to the v-e-t.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Waiting anxiously to hear the vet's report, Miss Peach. And so glad to read that you were an inspiration to Cricket; of course, you are a very inspiring kittie.
Missy & KC sponsored you for a special category in Skeezix's Halloween Costume Contest. You can read the background on their blog and see the announcement on Skeezix's Contest page. It is the Award of Courage.
Missy & KC are having your prize custom-made, with a proper, petite, Victorian-style ladycat in mind. It will be shipped to you as soon as possible.
Love from ML, Missy Blue Eyes & KC
Meowm and I are waiting to hear how the v-e-t visit went! We will be back later to check in!
Isn't that wonderful! Oh Miss Peach you can see how easily your sweetness spreads into the world.
Oh, Miss Peach, we've been away from blogging for awhile and we're so very sad to learn that you haven't been feeling well. Please know that my entire cat staff of 15 formerly ferals and two human artists are sending warm and comforting purrs and thoughts to you, and wishing you a "good news" vet visit.
& everyone at Artsy Catsy
I was so happy to hear you are eating. Keeping you and your mommy in my prayers.
Miss Peach, you are a wonderful kitty and have already touched so many lives. Now a puppy has a wonderful forver home thanks to you! I am so glad you started feeling better, and I am grateful you were able to wear your halloween sweater for us all yesterday! Many purrs and headbutts to you, and I am keeping my paws crossed that your visit to the V-E-T will go well. <3
Miss Peach, that is so wonderful about Cricket! You touch everyone who meets you in your very special kitty loving way! Lots of purrrs and hugs to Momma Karla and Lapdaddy and good healing vibes for the vet visit! We love you.
Your FL furiends,
Thanks to your loving, cuddly nature a sweet little dog has found his forever home. Hope all goes well at the v-e-t's and that he or she finds just the right things to make you well and keep you strong. Continuing thought and prayers to you and your Mommie and Lapdaddy:) xxx
We hope you don't get too worn out going to the vets and back today. Hopefully they keep the prodding to a minimum.
Praying for good news.
We are just checking in to see how you are feeling today. What did the V.E.T. say? Hope he wasn't too mean to you.
Just wanted you to know that your farm boys in Italy (and their humans) are thinking of you and wishing you well.
Opus and Roscoe
Miss Peach, you do good werk! You are alreddy helping other animals get a new home and that's ushully a Guardian Angel job. You are warm and full of love.
Lots of hugs & purrs,
Finny & Buddy
It is so good that Cricket got a great home.
We are hoping and praying that everything goes okay at the vet. It is wonderful to see you eating again!
That's a great story. You know cricket 'the sport' is very popular here. Hope Miss Peach gets better real soon. Sending her lots of love and healing purrs from Snow and Forest :)
Hi Dearest Peach,
I love the story of Cricket.It's very true that love is the best thing in the world.Your a very sweet kitty and dear friend.Me and mom will continue to pray...Gentle Hugs and warm Purrs
Your Pal Ariel
We are happy to learn you and Miss Peach will have more time together. When we first read your post, "Hurry Home to Heavy Heartache," we agreed among ourselves that Miss Peach grieved herself sick over your absence.
Hey, Buddy has such separation anxiety, he howls and cries like a baby when Jan takes out the trash. If she went on a trip, he would die of shock. (Mainly because he would be afraid no one would come feed him.)
Seriously, animals do grieve. Miss Peach obviously loves you very much.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Hello Sunshine!!
The news from the Vet is better than I hoped,with the exception of the tumor :(
I hope your medications make you feel better so you can enjoy yourself.
I am very selfish.I want you to stay for a long,long time. However,more than that I want you to be happy.That IS most important.
Reguardless of how much time you have,I will be with you always.
Rest now my sweet.Sleep, knowing that I,and the rest of your friends,wish you peace and happiness. We will ALL be near you,offering strength and comfort.
I will check on you later,my Sweet Peach!!! <3
We are purring for you so you feel better!
-Sara, Bogdan and Kat 3
That is good that you has got some medicines to feel better.
You has a nice snuggle now with your beans.
Miss Peach!!!
Yes, you iz really gonna rally I can tell. It must be dat pre-scrip-shun fur L-O-V-E from all da kitteez all around da world.
We did da cherish meme in your honor Miss Peach.
Keep eatin'!!!
-Dr Tweety
We are not surprised that your presence at the vetman made everyone so happy. You are adorrrrrrable.
YOu mommie will never ever leave you, ever again!!!
We hope your labs come back with good results too. These meds should get you back in shape!
Caesar and I are in renal failure, that is why we have to have the subq's but really Caesar gets much more easily dehydrated and his kidneys are not doing a good job, that is why he gets the subqs every day. When he is not porperly hydrated he loses his appetite, and will not eat.
We are glad that the vetlady said you were adequately hydrated.
These meds look like they should get you back very soon! we are so glad you went to the vet today and are on the path to recovery and many many more happy days!
being sick scares the daylights out of your mommie... and our mommie too!
well, not dehydrated it good, and kidney news is good. we is so sorry about the cancer tumor. poor Peach
Now, Miss Karla, please please please don't blame yourself! Mommy felt the same exact way when she went away for a couple of days and came home and The One Who Came Before was sick and diagnosed with stomach cancer. Miss Karla, Miss Peach would haf felt sick no matter if you was home or not. We know that she missed you because she loves you very much, but it is not your fault Miss Karla.
Miss Peach, know that we are with you and holding you in our hearts.
Miss Karla, know that we are also with you, comforting you on this journey.
Mary and Sammy and Miles
Oh, my sweet, dear sister -- my heart is filled with joy for your good news from the vet, and I am sorry to hear about the tumor, but it sounds like perhaps it's something that is manageable through medicine?
What a precious story about Cricket -- thank you for sharing it with us!
And I'm not the least bit surprised that you stole the hearts of the vet and staff *smile*. You are such a precious sweetheart of a cat... and I am so glad you are going to be okay! Keep eating and getting better, dear heart, and know how very much I love you.
A heart full of love and purrs and sistersnuggles from your adoring Marilyn.
Dear Miss Peach. Prinnie did not have to tell all of my sekrit trubbles. Now i am embarressed.
You have a lot of good medicines here, they will make you perky and happy again.
We love you and your mommie very very much.
We are still purring for you Peachiekins
Caesar + Co.
Oh, Miss Peach, that is truly good news! You may be tiny, but you are strong. Keep up the good work. I'll keep purrraying for you, too.
Warm, gentle snuggly hugs...G
Hello again Sunshine!
I see your Mom feels guilty.Tell her to put the thought out of her head.
Had you not gone to the Vet,you might not have found the tumor until it was much further advanced.
Now, it is being treated and it's progress may be slowed as a result.
So, your illness is a mixed blessing.
No matter what, I still love you my Sweet,Little,Darling Peachykins!!!!!!!!!
Always,Moonshine!!! xoxoxox <3 <3
Miss Peach, I am so happy to hear that you are doing better! I haven't got to do a lot of visiting this week cause The Lady has been busy with homework. I hope that you feel 100% better here real soon.
Dear Miss Peach - the news from the vet is mostly good and we are happy and thankful for the good news. We are so glad that you got some medicine to make you feel better and start eating again. We agree with Mickey that your mommy should not feel guilty about what happened - have no regrets for every moment is a gift. Snuggle with your mommy and lapdaddy and stay warm by the fire. We are purring and praying for all of you.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Miss Peach, you touch our hearts and enrich our lives.
If our purrayers and love have helped you and your mommy in some small way, we are most thankful.
We are glad that there was some good news at the Vet's, and we are saddened by the news of cancer. But we know how strong you are -- this past week certainly has proven that! And we know that you & your mommy will have some wonderful, quality moments in the days to come.
We love you and will keep purraying for you.
your friends from Purrchance To Dream:
Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Jazper, little Isis, and Not The Mama, too!
Oh Miss Peach! We are so glad that you went to the V-E-T to get checked out. We are sorry to hear about the tumor but are heartened by all of the other news. Please tell your Mommy not to blame herself. If she thinks about it, she knows that you will not appreciate her guilt and that it does not help you to feel better. What you need are thoughts that make you feel better and we want to help there by continuing to purr and purr for you and your Mommy both!!
Good luck Miss Peach. Miss Georgia has done well with her tumor for a long time. I think you will do well too!
Miss Peach, you are the sweetest girl I ever met! I read your VET report, and I think it is not that bad. Some things come when we get older, but with the right medicines, food and "no mommy leaving us" we have a long time of enjoyment and love to go in this life.
Purrs, hugs and love
~Ruis & kitties
~the Staff
I am so glad that you will have more time with Miss Peach. We all have been pulling for you guys. I also loved the story about Cricket, Miss Peach during her illness was working some magic and didn't even know it. How wonderful.
Oah, Dearest Karla,
I read the new update of Miss Peach going to the VET.
Good news and Bad news come together, and just don't know what to say.
Although I think it's because Miss Peach is too sad for your leaving so she don't wanna eat. I think she just want you to be with her all the time. I think people get old also want a company be with, it may be the same reason. I know sometimes we human need to go somewhere we have to be, so I think it must be a very hard choice for you. So this is why I keep let Adan is very close to Arion. I hope their relationship getting stronger, then I could go somewhere and let Arion be the sitter for few days. After all, live by their own may be very cruel. If I leave home too long for all day, Adan won't eat either. So I can totally understand Miss Peach's behavior.
During earlier this year, I go to Angkor with my sister for 5 days, and Adan only eat 1/3 his cookies. He was thinner for 0.5kg~ So, this is really a big deal for them.
I think it's because of age and they think we are the only one in their life for a long time.
So, it's a hard time for you and so is for Miss Peach. Adan and I certainly continue pray for you.
You know? The cherish meme is coming into my country's cat net friends circle.They all pray for you and doing the cherish~!
I hope Miss Peach turning well, she is very strong and always makes me feel so comfort. Keep eating and resting well~!
Oh Miss Peach, we have such mixed feelings about your post. We are glad you are ok overall and don't need sub q. flooids but we're sad about your tumor and your new prednisone and that your mommy is feeling guilt for leaving you. We are glad you might be eating more on the new med though!
Of course you were the darling of the vet today! That doesn't surprise us one bit. Peachy, we love you and send you all our best wishes for good health and much love every moment of every day.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Of course, the you stole hearts at the Vet Lady's, Miss Peach you are so cute and cuddly! Good news and not so good. We will pray for you, Momma Karla and Lapdaddy! We are glad you are going to be staying around for a lot longer. The medicines will help you feel better and eat more! We love you all!
Your FL furiends,
The story about Cricket was so touching!
Good luck at the vet my dear Miss Peach, you are such a strong girl.
I loved the story about how Cricket found a forever home because of you, dear Miss Peach. Karla, don't feel so guilty about leaving Miss Peach. She has an infection and would have felt just as bad if you had been there. I'm sorry about the mammary tumor. I hope the medicine helps. Some animals can live quite a long time with tumors.
Please don't feel bad for leaving Miss Peach. That's just too much guilt for one mom to handle. Even if she become ill because of you being gone, you didn't know what would happen. It is normal for people to leave their animals. You did nothing wrong. Concentrate on how lucky Miss Peach is to have such a loving mom. She is very blessed to have you, Karla.
Oh wow that's great news from the VET! :) We're all purring with joy at your good results Miss Peach! :)
Hey Miss Peach, sorry to hear about the tumour but it sounds like you're doing OK. My paws are still crossed for you. J x
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