Welcome to my first meme...I am new at this, but here goes!
My best furrrends Dragonheart & Suz tagged me:) I just hope efurrry one will still think I am a nice cat after all this is done.
1) I sneak into my beans condo when they go to the ocean on a vacation...I love the ocean...it has shrimps in it!
2)message removed by Miss Peach in respect for her new Prince ALICAT>(^,^)<
3)I want to be an only cat in my cottage....I don't share my beans furrry well with other lapcovers (more about my boyfurrrrend Henry later).
4)I will eat the cheerios out of the bowl if you leave it too long on the kitchen counter.
5) Then I will lick the milk after you are done with the cereal.
6)Ice creme and rasin bread are not safe from me either!
7)I was never able to have kittens because of an infection when I was young, I would have been a furrrry good mommy!
8)I get my way when I tickle my bean with my headbutts real hard! She can't stop laffin...then I go in for the kill!
9)I am a picky eater...one day I will scream for stinky fish food...then when I get it, I turn my nose up and ignor it and only eat my dry crunchies for weeks. Just like the Rumtum Tugger!
10)This one really hurts...I have kidney problems like so many of you(Keep Ceasar in your prayers:) so I often pee on the pillows I sleep on in the winter time. My canopenerbean cleans and cleans and cleans up after me with a water squirtin sucking machine.
Well....10 confession is enough for now. I will not tag anyone until I know more of you better>(^,^)<