Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
~A Sneaky Old Girl Cat!~
Peach had these postcards hidden under her new crinkle sack!
On the back of this card she wrote...My darling Alicat, Skeezix, Tyler and Henry H. at a beach luau.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mommy here: I know Miss Peach is up to something. I have proof about this!! She is sneaky in her old age!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
~~~DEFINE SATURDAY~~~Napping of course~~
Friday, July 27, 2007
Here is Dragonhearts proverb:
If at first your humans don't tend to your needs, meow and meow again.
Here is my new proverb:
Sweet and softly little cat, how I wonder where your at.
Up above the stars so bright,like an Angel in the night.
Sweet and softly little cat, I'm so comforted knowing that.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
~A Proverb Meme~
...the very first one that came to our (Willie & Bianca's) minds is:
There are only twenty-four hours in a nap.
We asked Sadie for her contribution, and one of the things you probably don't know about her is that she is very spiritual. She wanted to share her favorite parable:
Morris 5:37,38 "No one puts new clean litter into dirty old litter boxes, or else the new litter will touch the poo poo parts, and it will be stinky, and the clean litter will be skanky. But new litter must be put into clean litter boxes, and both are good. No cat having scratched new litter immediately desires old, for he says, ‘The new is better.’ "
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
NUMBER ONE11111111111111111111111111111111
July 18, 2007: When I think of a Sphynx.
A Sphynx is a cat,
a quite mysterious breed....
and if you don't believe that,
I have proof of it indeed!
The story begins in Egypt,
as this papyrus clearly shows.
She is every bit fantastic
from her head down to her toes!
A mighty ancient sentinel
gazing out across the sands.
On duty still today... fulfilling
a young cats dreams so grand!

NUMBER TWO22222222222222222222222222
Me: HairNSkin Dragonheart. AKA: Drago, Drake, Dragoncat, Psycho Kitten, Crazy Kitten, Crazy Kitty, Super Kitty, Dude, Streaky, Silly, Crazy, Handsome Fellow, Cutie, and Dragondude, Spider Cat, Stinky, Little Jedi
My sire: Champion of HairNSkin Obi Wan Kenobi~Obi
My dam: New Taj Mahal Sherazade of HairNSkin
My brother and littermate: Merlin
My older sister: From Dusk Till Dawn
Extra credit: Your Uncle is Yoda:)
NUMBER THREE3333333333333333333333333
· When did I first start blogging? November 25, 2006 at 20:08 pm
· What was my Gotcha Day? Saturday November 25, 2006
· When did my human first post about me on her blog?September 12, 2006
NUMBER FOUR44444444444444444444444
What is another name for the Sphynx breed? Moonstone Cats, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, hairless cat, hairless kitten, Bald Cat, Toronto Ghost Cat
What was the name of the Sphynx cat character in the Austin Powers movies, and what is the cat's real name? The cat who played Mr. Bigglesworth is a Sphynx named SGC Belfry Ted Nude-gent.
These Sphynx kitties belong to my friend Jacqui who lives in Devon England. They are Willow (top) and Molly!
NUMBER FIVE555555555555555555555555555555555555
List the colours of the following cats:
1)Me: Black & White (and pinkJ ) your toes are pink, although your paw pads are both pink and gray. Your tail is gray.
2)My sire: Obi Wan Kenobi, a brown classic tabby and white Sphynx
3)My dam: Sherazade , a blue point Sphynx
According to the CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association) what breeds can be used as outcrosses when breeding Sphynx?
Breeders in Europe and North America have bred the Sphynx to normal coated cats and then back to hairless for more than thirty years. Hairless cats found in recent years in domestic cat litters are still being used in Sphynx breeding programs to expand the gene pool. Britanya Cattery has been using a hairless cat's offspring found in Texas. Donna Roberds of Kattewyk Cattery has been using a hairless cat found in Arkansas. A breeding between these two cats produced extremely hairless offspring. Two hairless cats found in Indiana are reportedly being used in other Sphynx breeding programs.
Until when can these breeds be used? Until December 30, 2010
Sphynx were at one time crossbred with Devon Rex in an attempt to strengthen the gene, but unfortunately this led to serious dental or nervous-system problems and is now forbidden in most breed standards associations. The only allowable outcross breeds in the CFA are now the American Shorthair and Domestic Shorthair. Other associations have different rules. In Europe mainly Devon Rex has been used for outcrosses.
In Europe, what breed has been used most often as an outcross? The Devon Rex
NUMBER SIX66666666666666666666666666666666
Name three themes that my breeder has used for her litters, and give the name of one cat from each of these themes.
1) Fairy Tales: Merlin & Dragonheart
2) Starwars: Yoda, Han-Solo, Skywalker, Obi-Wan-Kenobi
3) Around the World: Sidney Dundee, Meshika Azteka
4)Action Movies, Basic Instinct
Oh my gosh Caylynn! Come see what happened to Dragonheart!!
Mr Mills!!! What did you do to my poor sweet kitty boy?
I put some of your sunscreen on him so he wouldn't get a sunburn...
That wasn't sunscreen!! It was wrinkle remover!
Well not only did it remove ALL of his wrinkles, it removed HALF of Dragonheart too!!
NUMBER SEVEN777777777777777777777777777777777777
German words for these are:
Cat: Die Katze oder der Kater
Kitten: Das Katzchen
Cat Food: Das Katzenfutter
Cat Litter: Das Katzenstreu
Litterbox: Die Katzentoilette oder Das Katzenklo
Scratching Post: Der Kratzbaum,Die Kratzmatte,Der Kratzpfosten
Catnip: Die Katzenminze
Cat Snacks: Katzenimbiss oder Schlemerhappen oder Katzensnacks
Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here. You can find all of the Scavenger Hunt items here. NOTE: ALL photos are copywrite reserved by the original photographers!
Monday, July 23, 2007
~Meet my famouse furrrrend!~

LIZA is #2 Sphynx Premier in CFA nationwide! Isn't she just a stunning beauty? I wish her the very best of luck in the show circuit. Someday mommy hopes for a hairless kitten:) but not right now! Right mommy? MOMMY!!! RIGHT??
Saturday, July 21, 2007
~(^.^)~ A Cat I Once Knew ~(^.^)~

If I go away
What would still remain of me?
The ghost within your eyes?
The whisper in your sighs?
You see...Believe
And I'm always there
Karla, What a wonderful surprise I had this morning!! Suddenly before my eyes was Nola! Oh my friend, Dave and I both cried. Our girls being seen by people all over the world. And such a lovely poem. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
Still teary eyed,