Oh one more thing...my cool grandkid bean COLE, who broke is wrist sledding last week, finally got his permanent cast on today! The first kitty who guesses what color it is wins a prize!!
Oh and one more thing....something very special is happening next month to me! Can anyone guess what?
As you can see, I am still sleeping under the kitchen sink. I have 29 cozy beds and this is my spot for now. Mommy shakes her head at me but understands that I am a cat and that is that... I must have been a good girl because Sandy Paws brought me lots of towers of stinky goodness. Wanna come for dinner?
Merry Christmas my dearest friends near and far...my wish is that your stockings will be filled with love, health, warmth, good foodies and butterflies to delight you!
Cole and his family arrived safe in Seattle after a brief window opened up and they were able to get over Snoqualimie Pass! Yeah, so far so good. We pray they are able to fly out today down to sunny Florida. Please keep your paws crossed...I miss him already.