Mommy made a deal with me the other night. She told me if I do not sleep on top of Lapdaddies brand new black slacks (and get them all full of fuzz and dander) she had laying on the back of the sofa anymore, she would give me a new pillow instead. I accepted. However; Lapdaddy can not have his IN BOX back just yet! A smart kitty needs to try a new spot out for at least a week before it gets the GOODCATKEEPING SEAL OF APPROVAL. What do you think?
Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy name is Miss Hope.
Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.
Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
As official groomsmaids, Princess and I have the following announcement to pass out to all of you today! My beloved friends Karl and Ruis are all 'beamed up' and ready to begin a life together. Join us as we sail across the universe and celebrate a love found...

This is the photo of the ceremony being performed.

Emil also took the official wedding photos. Here are the newlyweds with their best men Opus and Roscoe, their grooms maids Miss Peach and Princess, their flower girl Momo and their wedding planner Sassy.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today my pretty friend Bubbles went to the rainbow bridge. He was four years old. That is really old for a Siamese fighting fish. I am sad because now the shelf in the bathroom is so empty. He spent his days there with his little mermaid and all of his sparkly beads in his bowl. He was a fun fish and even took the I DARE YOU dare last year and put on a pink wig! We put his tiny body under the miniature white rose bush because he liked pretty things. I miss you....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Treasures from mommies home country so far away...Thank you Luna and Stefanie for remembering us with all of these goodies. The coffee was so good this evening and helped mommy with her headache. The tiny chocolates are so nice...the gummie bears and the fizzy powders!
Come on mommy I want to visit all of my nice friends...wipe your nose and help me go see them!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This is the arbor gate that greets you at the cozy cottage. Mommies favorite rose grows over it. EDEN...a beautiful creamy pink marzipan colored beauty that lasts for over a week when cut. Glossy leathery green foliage makes this a stunning bouquet. If you only have room for one rose in your garden then this is it!
Our mailbox is shaped like a house and has a silver spoon for the pull. Big packages can not fit inside. The mail lady brings them to the front door
and leaves them on the little bench the lapdaddy made out of an old water bed foot board. If you come back tomorrow, I will show you what was inside the package that came from Luna in Germany.
Who can guess why this sucking machine is in my kitchen? See my empty food bowl? Do you think I ate too fast? Mommy loves this machine and I do too because it makes it OK for me to be burpy as much as I want.
Out on my perch watching the hostas growing in my patio garden.
I watch that bird up there in the cage and he never flies down to me! We have lots of birds in our garden. Lapdaddy makes birdhouses all the time. We have 5 houses right now and 3 were full of nesting birds. The babies reluctantly just left the last one yesterday...I wanted to help them move out but mommy said NO!
Monday, May 26, 2008
MEMORIAL DAY...we do not forget those who gave all
RED poppies for remembrance

Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Mastriano stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan, writes, "As you can imagine - things are busy here - as it is a combat zone. Our mission, is led by NATO under ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) - and is comprised of 38 nations.Under my command, are soldiers from 18 nations - we work in an international environment. These multi-national soldiers are heroes, and they also play a key role here in supporting a local orphanage that houses 140 orphaned children.
At our NATO headquarters, we have a stray furry-orphan, Diesel (or Commander ISAF) a "stray" Afghan cat.Diesel's primary mission is keeping the rodent population low. As such, the staff is directed not to feed him. However - he has many partisans among the soldiers, and as you can see - he has not missed many, if any meals. Diesel goes everywhere on camp. Here in Kabul on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2007, the international staff of the ISAF mission conducted a ceremony. Several of our NATO Allies honour the day in a solemn and respectful manner - especially the British and Canadians - to remember those who have fallen, from 1918... to today. In honor of the Armistice of World War One, we conducted the ceremony on the 11th day, of the 11th Month, at the 11th hour (the instance where the cease-fire ended World War I in 1918.) The event is always somber and serious. Hundreds of soldiers from 30 diverse nations throughout NATO stood in formation at our headquarters in KABUL; lining the street in a mixture of various desert colored uniforms. Taps was played, and we rendered a salute. The trumpet fell quiet, we lowered our salute and began two minutes of silence to remember those who fell. As if on cue, Diesel came out howling and meowing - loudly - walking up and down the line. He continued howling - trying to get any one's attention, to pet him. After the two minutes ended - with great purpose, he marched towards the middle area where the commander and the staff were. As the commander began his remarks - Diesel walked up to him and began howling, and then wandered off, offering a light moment for the serious ceremony.

And, as I write this, Diesel made his rounds through camp and our office again - while my staff are busy helping the Afghan people.
Diesel owns this place, he strolled right in the door - loudly meowing - a funny, albeit welcome, interruption to our day. Please continue to pray for us in Afghanistan."
~~~thank you Tina for this wonderful story!~~~
Sunday, May 25, 2008

She is very sick and her mommy is so worried about her comfort. Please say a purrrrrayer for her for a fast recovery. Being a tiny sick girl is not easy when you have soooo much flooff on your skins that you do not want mommy to wash... my Lapdaddy made this kitty puzzle for mommy because the kitty who came before me, Miss Minka, was a blue~creme Persian and lived here for 18 years. So mommy knows about floofy misery...She is very happy that I do not have much floof:) When Miss Billie gets better, she needs to have a nice hair cut and then she will feel really good for this summer! Get better dear friend...we are purrrring for you!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today I will just stay in my IN BOX upside down...seems a fitting thing to do on a chilly gray day.

Mommy loves hostas!
The beautiful Mother's Day roses are hanging to dry on the patio. You can click to see the temperature on the is chilly yet for May...

Oh what a wonderful day I had visiting with so many of you yesterday. You all made my Blogoversary a very special day for me and I thank you all for you kind and gentle words. The Luau in Italy was so fun! The {{{HUGGATHON}}} in Bonnie's memory will spread warmth into every corner!
Mommy is happy that her roses are in bloom. They grow all tussled over the arbor. Thorn less and very fragrant plus shade tolerant...Zephirine Drouhin the perfect rose! Take a few home for your mommies!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Today I am celebrating my first year of blogging! It has been a long and fun filled journey. Each day has brought so much happiness when you have stood on my doorstep and I invited you inside the cozy cottage for tea. You have been patient with me when I have been too busy to visit you back. You have left me almost 30,000 calling cards over the past year!!! Incredible to say the least! My tiny heart is ever so thankful that I have so many loving friends. You saved my life when I was at deaths doorstep last autumn when you showered me with love, cards and treasure dreary life will never be the same again now that you are all a wonderful part of it! I never planned on having a blog of my own...just wanted to be content visiting you all in secret each day. Suzanne helped me change my sweet ginger sister who I miss so much. So on April 16, I thought I would see how hard it was to set up a test was not hard at all. I even had some visitors that I didn't even know about until May 23 when I looked at my blog again. There you were asking about me and wanting photos...The Crew, Daisy, Dragonheart, Suzanne, Faz & Princess and Ceasar. The rest, as they say 354 postings later, is history...Please help me celebrate my special day by going and telling the purrrrson you love the most that you do so! Each precious moment is a gift we can spend together. Do not waste a single moment. Above is a card mommy made that you can take with you when you finish your tea. It is my gift to you for coloring my world these last 12 months! I love you all so much. You have laughed with me, cried with me, hoped with me and prayed with me. You are faithful friends and I can never be a poor cat again for knowing each and everyone of you...God Bless you all!<><
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The onion domes of my hometown AUGSBURG GERMANY...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Even as the baby birds chirp so loud for their lunch in the birdhouse nearby, she slumbers.
I love to grow miniature roses. These tiny blooms of ivory are the first of the season. I spent some time today reading my favorite VICTORIA, newly published by Hoffman Media. She is the grand VICTORIA from days long ago. Not often is a magazine republished after a long absence from the newsstands. We are so happy to have our old friend back to charm our lives with her genteel ways...
Can you stay for a cup of tea? I am ever so glad you have come by today!
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