Well here it is just like I promised you. Mommy made me a sweat lodge quarantine hut! it has my new pink blanket it in and my heated pad. Then she covered it with my Hey Diddle Diddle the Cat and the Fiddle blanket to keep all the heat inside. That does keep it toasty warm. So as you can see I have completely taken over the fireplace mantle. The cute bunny family has been kicked to the living room window after they got a bath....what did you say they suffered from mommy? Slimmysnotitis? Is there medicine for that in my ever growing box full of medicines?
Mommy can check up on me at night without disturbing me too much because of this cute little flashlight that Jasper Ginger sent me from England. Inside his package were all the beautiful goodies below. I love the butterfly charm. It will go well with my wedding things. They goldfish toy will get lots of use when Hunny Bunny comes by for a visit. Being an old cat, I do not play anymore, but it is nice to have toys for company! Mommy got luckiest with the gossamer golden shawl that Jasper's mommy made for her...she will wear it when she goes out with her prettiest dress. It looks like a golden spider wove it...very pretty! We thank you mommy Carol and Jasper for your kindness...
Hey turn that light out now! I want to sleep in peace!
You will have to wait and see what else mommy got for me...but I know for sure I will HATE it!!!
Signing off from the sick bay for now...medication time at noon and six o'clock! Yuck!