How many of our beloved furs who came before
will we see in the shadows of midnight?

In this painting by George Hamilton, I see both my beloved sister Marilyn and her mommy:))

I am wearing my Halloween sweater for Stormie and his sweet mummy!!!

Victorian art made by Not the Mama darling Mo

My sweet buddy Karl at the Cat Realm prawning me:))

Above art is magic eye image for All Hallow's Eve

Cherished Adan made me the wonderful MeMe that spread into the Cat Blogosphere like liquid catnip!

Sweet bunnies comfort my mommy so much

my beloved Mancat Mickey showers me with flowers

A purrrrfect All Hallow's Eve Mickey

Cats by a favorite German artist of mine.
I just adore their moon shaped faces.

If I painted, this would be a self portrait>(^,^)<

Many moonfaces came to be with me this week.

I was surrounded by all of your love each moment!

You came to leave calling cards by the hundreds from near and far all over this and night I was never alone.

In this, I see my beloved Moonshine Mickey

Kim Jacobs is a favorite artist of mine for years. Her watercolors are so pastoral and filled with cats...

This is how I wanted to spend the week, with my sweet Miss Peach tucked into my arms.

A vision of the first cat in my life.
This past week has been very hard on me and mommy. She often took comfort and respite on your blogs even if she did not leave a calling card. Today I will share some images she has looked at in her photo album this week. Random beauty just like all the cats of the Blogosphere. Hope you enjoy them and I wish you all a very safe and Happy All Hallow's Eve>(^,^)<
your eating agin in your pretty sweater, we are dancing a little kitty happy dance!
Miss Peach, it's good to see that you felt up to putting on your pretty Halloween sweater and it looks like you're eating some more. The montage of photos is very nice and a tribute to your beautiful, sweet spirit. Keep eating and grow strong in the knowledge that we are all purring and praying for you.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Wonderful news, Miss Peach. And you look so pretty in the sweater. We're pulling for you.
Oh Miss Peach! We're thrilled to hear you are eating a bit - your mommy must be so happy. It was wonderful to see you in your halloween costume, your spirits must be up as well.
Continue to be well!
We LOVE you, Miss Peach!!
~Ruis & the catwalk and the staff
PS - Eating in your Halloween sweater, I knew it.:)
That is a wonderful wonderful post, Miss Peach~!
I am so glad that you are able to put your Halloween sweater on~!!
Your healthy is our best treat~!!!
And what are wonderful lovely cat art today, I am just so touched by these~!!!!!!!! Each of one I love it so so much~!!!!!!!!!!
This is my best Halloween gift~!!!! How grateful~!!!!!!
Please Miss Peach, hope you feel great and continue improving, I hope you are very very happy today~!!!!
Oh Miss Peach, we's beyond ek-stat-iks dats yoo's not only eatings again, but feels up to wearing yoor pretty sweater fur Halloweenie! We's doin da happy dances of furry joys!
It warms our hearts to see you eating...tomorrow you must eat more and more the next day until you are back to fit shape. We're doing a happy dance but still purring and purraying fur yoo.
Today is a day of miracles!
I think we should name Oct 30 as "Miss Peach's Miracle Day"!!
We are so happy you are feeling so much better...and we love your hallowe'en sweater!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful post! My eyes are again leaking tears of joy (as are my Mom's). Wow, such beautiful paintings -- and what a sweet one of the lady and the white cat! Me and Mom indeed spend much, much time cuddling -- I am in her lap right now, in fact.
You look adorable in your Halloween sweater -- so warm and cozy! Can you feel me snuggling close? I am there -- and I am still purring and I am smiling, too, and letting my tears of joy flow!
Love forever from your adoring sister,
I love you too Miss Peach. It is great news that your tummy wants some food. I hope you and your mummy and lapdaddy spend a nice halloween tucked by a warm fire.
Thanks for all the lovely upadates and todays beautiful pictures.
Poppy q
My Sweet Sunshine, you look so darling in your sweater.Happy Halloween my sweet.The images you present today are simply awesome.I will be back to look at them again.
Rest and gain strength my love.
It is a restful,happy sleep I shall have tonight :)
Purrs ,Moonshine
How sweet! I love your pumpkin sweater. We are all so excited to see you eating again. We will continue to send you purrs!
Happy Halloween!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
What a great gallery of art! Thanks for sharing!
You look so sweet in your Hallowe'en sweater, my darling Miss Peach. :) I am glad that you are eating a little bit and that you were feeling up to wearing your sweater. Know that I love you and that I am still praying and purring for you. Hugs and purrs to your mom and lapdaddy.
I love all your art. I really like the magic eye picture. I am so happy that you feel up to wearing your Halloween sweater and eating some more. This is so great, Miss Peach!
Hey Miss Peach, love the little jumper and I'm so happy to see you're eating. I've just posted a photo of me on my blog dressed as a ghost! It is quite scary but don't be afraid, it's only me, your pip of a pal! J x
What a sweet post. Looks there are so many people and furry friends thinking of you and praying for you. We just wanted to stop by, say miao and wish you a happy halloween. We are so happy to see you in your cute sweater.
Hoping today is better than yesterday and that tomorrow is better than today.
opus and roscoe
Oh Miss Peach you looks so lovely in your purrty sweater! :) It's so good to see you eatin too, Ramses has been telling me all about you and how wonderful and brave you are, silly Mancat he forgot to tell me how pretty you are too! :)
We are all so glad here at the SnowForest home that you are eating and feeling more comfortable and better. Love all of those pictures - particularly the one with the saying by 'Harold Munro about the little black cat with bright green eyes' - hope you continue to eat and feel a lot better real soon - we are sending you all the purrayers and love imaginable - please be well soon :)
lots and lots of love from the SnowForest clan :)
WOO HOO! Keep eatin'!
WE are so happy you are doing much better littlePeachlady.
These are such wonderful pictures. we love the moon headshaped kitties and the drawings by KimJacobs reminds me a bit of Anton Pieck... and a little bit of those cute mousie stories of Brambly Hedge we also love this.
YOu are such sweet and precious friends. We have been with you in heart and mind. Mommie said it made her feel once again what it was like this summer when we were sick before we started the fluids.
YOu look adorrrrable in your sweater
Purrrrs and still praying for ease and calmness.
from your curly friends in Virginia
Hi Dear Miss Peach,
Very lovely post.I love the photo of you in your cute sweater. I made you something on my blog to hope you like it...Love and Gentle Hugs Your Pal Ariel
Oh Miss Peach! You look very pretty.
Do you want to see my terrifying photos?
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween lovely girl. FAZ
Oh Miss Peach
It was with such joy that I saw you in your halloween sweater (and looking mighty cute I must say) and eating that my heart did leaps of sweet abandon. How wonderful to see you eating and regaining your strength. Continue to get stronger and better with each passing day.
Love to you both
Miss Peach - it looks like you are eating again!!!! Please keep on getting better and gaining some strength now! You look adorable in your sweater, it'll keep you warm until you can put on a pound or two!
Love and hugs from The Cat Realm
P.S. Did I tell you already that I put Ananstasia in her Halloween costume on her blog
Happy Halloween!! We are SOOOOO happy to hear you are eating and meowing. Just tell your Meowmy never to leave you again OK??
Miss Peach you look so beautiful in your Halloween sweater. It matches your colors so well.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful Halloween cards. Happy Halloween to you, your mommy and lapdaddy.
It looks like you ate some more! I hope so! You look very cute in your sweater! Happy Halloween!
::spin:: You're eating! ::spin:: You look furry nice in your Halloween sweater. I like those Victorian Halloween cards. We's been finkin of you nite an day. Haf you bin to the vet? Much as I don't enjoy it, maybe they can help you get better faster. You are a strong kitty wif a great Will to Live. Big purrs, Victor, Bonnie, and Jennifer
Happy Halloween Miss Peach. We were so happy to see you in your Halloween sweater because it means that you felt well enough to model it for us. Keep eating and drinking and know that we are purring for you still!! We love the pictures you have shared with us - almost as mucha s we love you!
Miss Peach, you look simply stunning in your beautiful Halloween sweater! My Mummy was so glad to see you eat and look so much better that her eyes leaked water, I licked her tears away. Isn't it amazing what love and prayers can do. I am going to go dance around the house with joy now.
Miss Peach, you will be surrounded by purrs and love all your life. You are a special kitty and I'm soooo happy that you are feeling better, and even have on your pumpkin sweater!
Miss Peach, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you got to wear your darling little Halloween sweater! I was so sad when I thought you were too sick to wear it. You look beautiful.
Miss Peach, you look just lovely in your sweater. It's good to see you having a snack. We are sending you lots of hugs and purrs and purrayers.
Happy dance! Happy dance!! I am so very happy to see you are feeling better. This is a lovely montage of photos. You are the heart of the cat blogosphere and we need you sweet Miss Peach.
Keep eating to get stronger and we'll keep purring for you dear.
baby girl, we are truly happy that you have given us a smiley day -- seein' you eatin', dressin' up, an' sharin' pretty pictures with us is all we coulda asked for as treats today! we'd even turn down nip, if it meant you kept on gettin' better an' betterer!!
we hopes you an' lapdaddy an' mom karla just spend a nice, cuddly day, an' we will be all around you, purrin' for support an' purrrayin' for victory.
don't get scared by the ding-donger ringin' lots tonight -- it's just the little beans beggin' candy. they like that better than nip; go figure.
purrs, the meowers
Oh yore Halloween sweater looks grate on yoo! And yore hafing more yummies too. Yay! We's doin the kitty happy dance too.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Miss Peach,
I lovez da art gallery & I lovez you in your Hall-o-ween sweater, I bet dis keepz you more warm den da fryin' pan!
Dr Tweety
What lovely pictures! And how cute you look in your sweater! Keep eating - we're all purring for you.
love from us
Hi Dear Miss Peach,
I'm so glad you like my card.Mom and me love rainbows they always seem to warm the heart.Please continue to eat and rest my sweet friend.We love you...Gentle Hugs Your Pal Ariel
Happy Hallows Eve to you too, I'm hoping this means you are feel a bit better, by wearing your cute pumpkin sweater? Try not to eat too much candy tonight.
Love you bunches, and warm head bonks, too...G
It was so great seeing you in your Halloween Sweater Miss Peach! And thanks for sharing all the pretty photos with us!
Happy Halloween!
Tara and Kavan and Mom
Could it be that Miss Peach had another meal? That would be so wonderful! We are so happy to see that Miss Peach was well enough to put on her Halloween sweater. We have remembered you all in our prayers and hope that it has helped both your spirits and Miss Peach's health. Hugs and purrs, Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Hello Miss Peach! So good to see you felt well enough to put on your snazzy sweater! My Mom-Bean helped me make a little get well card for you and we hope it brings you sunshiny warmth from Seattle :)
You can go pick it up here:
I wasn't going to check in today because I know you need your rest but I am so glad that I did. I was so happy to see that you were feeling well enough to wear your Halloween costume today. Also I noticed that you were EATING and that is GREAT!! I know your mom is really worried and thought it was nice that she shared those beautiful pictures with us. Keeping you in my thought and prayers, tomorrow you will be feeling better than today. Keep up the good work!! If you don't mind could I put you on my link?
Oh, darling Miss Peach! Words can't express how happy I am to know that you are eating and going to your box on your own... I am filled with joy for you, dear heart!
Keep eating and getting stronger -- I'm sorry you're having ear troubles! And good luck at the vet tomorrow! I will be sending healing purrs and worlds of love.
All of us Ballicai love you so much -- you and your wonderful family are always in our hearts.
Purrs and snuggles from your forever adoring sister,
Miss Peach, seeing you eat in your pretty sweaer made this the very best Halloween ever!
Love and Smooches!
This is just a warm, wonderful and truly heart touching post... all of it! Thank you so much.
Glad your feeling better Miss Peach I understand how that can be us older cats need to eat better. You look so cute in your Halloween sweater...Meow...I am puuurrring for you to stay eating more and more...meow....
We're so happy to see you in your beautiful sweater and to see you eating!
Happy Halloween!
Luf, Us
Those are very beautiful pictures for your Mommy but I think she's happiest that you were able to eat something! You look so cute in that sweater too!!
We love you,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Happy All Hallow's Eve Miss Peach! You are so sweet to share these beautiful photos and pictures with us all. We love the moon faces, too. You look adorable in your sweater and we're glad you're eating again!!!
Happy Halloweeen!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
A lovely collection of photos!
And a lovely lady of a cat!
Hi Miss Peach, just stepping by!
Keep that eating going, you need a little bit of strength for Friday when I put up our latest - Anastasia's last - Dare!!! I hope by then you will be strong enough to do it...
Purrs and love
Happy Halloween Miss Peach!!! We're so glad you're eating again. I like your sweater. My mom made me one last winter and it was too thick and uncomfortable. Maybe she will get better at the k-nitting this year. Anywho, hope you're doing well and we love you!!!
<3Sly and Kon
New update pictures are really fun~! Thanks for sharing~!
How are you doing today??
oh my lovely miss peach - i can't tell you how happy i am to see you in your jumper!
i know my photoshopped image of you in your jumper wasn't the greatest cos i hurried it to try and get it to you in time for the competition...but now i see you wearing the real thing it makes me so so happy!
keep eating and growing stronger my dear dear little fellow Furry Fighter - love the pic of you being prawned by Karl - hehehe
Miss Peach, I am so happy to see you eating again. And you look so lovely in your Halloween sweater.
What a terrific Halloween. China Cat & I are doing happy kitty dances now for you!
Purrrrrs, Willow
Oh Miss peach, you look so cute in your Halloween Costume! We are so glad you are eating and all the pictures today were beautiful! We love you. (((((((HUGS))))))
Your FL furiends,
Miss Peach,you feel better?
You looks so nice in your halloween sweater.
Thank you for sharing all the nice pictures,I enjoyed it much!
We are happy you are eating Miss Peach, and so pleased to see the wonderful beautiful artwork in your life. Thanks for sharing it with us all.
Luv & purrs,
your friends from Purrchance To Dream:
Daphne, Spooker, Chloe, Jazper, little Isis, and Not The Mama, too!
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