It was the player who wears it!!!

This weekend Cole had his ninth birthday and it will be one he will never forget!
The surprise guest who came to his house was none other than Detroit Tigers Pitcher Jeremy Bonderman!!!! A little boy in Washington can have big dreams. Happy Birthday Cole!
Well Jeter, what do you think about this??? Cool Huh!!
WOW!!! What a wonderful birthday surprise for Cole! Just amazing. :) He will definitely never forget it! No need to ask if he had a Happy Birthday! Very, very cool. :) Congratulations to Cole on making the All Star team in his little league. I hope all his dreams come true.
Oh My Cat!!! What a great surprise! The Tigers rock and we love Bonderman! Lucky Cole!!!!
That is very wonderful! I'll bet that's the best birthday present Cole ever got. Happy Birthday Cole!
Wow, how the heck did that happen? He is very cute. So is Cole ;-)
Did anyone get a video for you to share with us?
Good Morning Sunshine!
The news that you are feeling better is simply the best.Your grandbean had his 9th birthday.That is so nice,and to have a special guest!Cole must have been over the moon!He is well on his way to his dreams if he is an ALL STAR! Maybe I should get his autograph,heehee.
Take care,my Dear, and enjoy the day. Purrs
What a great birthday for your grandbean Cole. Congratulations to Cole for being named a Little League All Star.
We're glad to hear you are feeling better - keep strolling the road to recovery
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Happy Birthday to Cole!!! And congratulations on being on the All Star Team. That is awesome!!!
We were really surprised to check your bloggie and see one of our Tigers on there. What a great surprise for Cole.
Hope you're feeling better, Miss Peach. We're still purraying for you.
Oh what a grate birthday surprise fur yoor grandbean! Happy Birthday, Cole! Hope all your dreams come true...glad to hear you're feeling better Miss Peach. We'z gonna keep purring and purraying fur yoo.
wow wow wow!!! what a wonderful surprise. Cole certainly does deserves it. I'm glad he has such a great birthday.
Bendrix & I are very very happy to hear you're feeling better. That is the best news we've had all day.
It can't get any cooler than that! Happy birthday, Cole :-)
What a nice surprise for such a sweet little guy! I saw some pictures he drew for (I think Marilyn?). He seems like a really sweet little boy! Oh yes, I also remember seeing him curled up with you on a daybed - so cute!
Tell him concatulations for making his All Star team too, maybe he will make it big in baseball and look after you all : )
wowie kazowie! jeremy bonderman came to vizit mi bes frend cole???
wutta gift! i wunder if he can come to vizit da noo york yankeez? dey need a grate pitcher!
now i know cole'z birfday wuz grate!
wutta day, eh cole?
Dear Cole,
This must have been a fantastic birthday for you ... making your Little League All-Star team ... and meeting Jeremy Bonderman.
In the words of my brother Jeter,
Life is Great!
Happy Birthday my friend!
WOW! He is one lucky bean!!!!
Oh, how exciting, my precious sister! What a wonderful birthday Cole had! A dream come true for him, I'm sure! He is a precious little fellow, and please tell him I love him and congratulations on his making the All Star Team! I wish him all the most wonderful, wonderful happy things, lots of fun, and many, many home runs and smiles!
I hope you are feeling better, my dear sister -- I purr and purr and purr for you every day!
Much love to you, and worlds of purrs and sisterly snuggles!
Cole must have had the best birthday ever! Happy Birthday, Cole! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better every day. I keep thinking good thoughts for you.
Does he like kitties? Give good skritches? Know how to hold a cat wifout loosin an eye? :-)
Ok, Mom says he plays ball real good. That's impawtant in a bean. Mom sawed Tiger Stadium in Dee-troyt this summer, but didn't go in. She said the tiger statues were furry scary.
A happy purrthday to yur grandbean.
I's also thrilled to hear yur feelin better. Nofing like purrs to make you feel better! Luv, Victor
Miss Peach, we want you to come to our party. I don't have an escort either. Do you have to be escorted by a mancat? What if Titus escorted you? Would that be ok? You guys could just hang out if you're not feeling up to playing. Titus is real good at laying around and napping. Come over, Miss Peach. It's not a party without you!
I couldn't believe my eyes. This has to be a little boys dream come true. I am very excited for Cole!
Oh, Miss Peach, Miss Peach, Miss Peach! Marilyn and I have both thought over the last week or so that you and Mickey the Black Cat were becoming close...
I love you and hope you aren't angry with me...
Lots and lots of love from Dorydoo!
WOWY WOW! Yer beans must have some clout! Mommakitty wonders if you could git Russel Crowe to come visit our house?! Please?! Her purrthday is in April...is that enough time to git in touch wif da great gladiator?! Just let us know so we can clean da house first. Fanks!
that is a cool surprise! i have no idea who the player is or the team he plays for cos we don;t get AMERICAN football here - but I assue it is like Beckham visiting a boy on his burfday - which is a wonderful thing :)
ise hope Cole (great name) gets his dream
What a grate purrfday surprise furr Cole. He must haf been so excited.
We are glad to hear that you are continuing to improve.
Well Mizz Peach,
You iz lucky to have such a nice & handsum family. Dat iz a furry lucky boy to meet da big boy bazeball starz. We all five wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
-Dr Tweety
What a great birthday present! Happy Birthday Cole!! Hope your day was a great as your present!!!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily & Ruckus
Miss Peach, Willow and I are so glad that Cole had such a terrific birthday surprise! And even making the All Star team! Wow!!! We also hope that you are still feeling better - we'll send some nice soft purrs over to you!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh Miss Peach, what a wonderful surprise for Cole!! It will be a birthday he will never forget. Happy Birthday to you Cole and good job on making the All Star Team. We are still purrring and purraying for you Miss Peach. We were so glad to see you out of the pan and in front of the fire.
Your FL furiends,
How exciting!!! Happy birthday to Cole!
Miss Peach, please do not worry. You did not make a mess of anything! Dorydoo had thought you were getting something going with another mancat, and who knows -- maybe you will! Any mancat would be lucky to have a lovely lady like you.
And please, come to me when you need a mancat shoulder to meow on. I am forever and ever your big brother. Dorydoo is glad you are not upset with her. We all love you very much. Whenever you need a hug from a big Alpha boy, I am here for you, my little ginger sister. Can I call you my little ginger sister? We are both ginger, so we are related!
Much love and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
Oh, my precious sister! I am so glad to hear my girlish intuition was, after all, close to the mark. *big smile*. I completely understand, and I have hopes for Sunshine and Moonshine -- the sweet things you say to one another make me smile and my heart flutter.
I am like you, very old-fashioned and traditional -- I almost got the vapors at the party when Dorydoo made the first move to hold EG's paw! Can you believe that? I couldn't help but smile, but... oh MY! Dorydoo is such a forward young ladycat, but then she is much younger than I am *big smile*
You are right that love just seems to fall where it may. You are a wonderful lady and a blessing -- and oh, I am hoping, hoping, hoping for you... wouldn't it be something if we, two sisters, had mancats who have the same name *smile*?
My mom also loves the Robert Herrick poem -- and what a wise and instructive exhortation: "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, for time is still a flying!" My mom has been emotional today because of Brainball -- she's relieved that he's doing better, but it terrified her so, the speed with which he got so sick on Friday, and as a result, she has been thinking a lot today about how very important it is to cherish every single second we are blessed to share with our dearly loved ones.
As I do, dear sister, with you.
Love and purrs and sistersnuggles from your adoring Marilyn.
What an absolutely great surprise! How special for Cole!
WOW, that pitcher must be some kind of celebrity? It seems that was a REALLY good surprise for Cole, congratulations!!!! Happy Birthday!
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