Autumn leaves flow into Winter roses
Bounty of Faux beauty
if you bigafy the photo you can see the little mink mice on mommies hat top right>(^,^)< they don't even run around or taste good:(

The blaze begins

Quiet time for needlework

A quick snack
my favorite Michaelmas daisies
The blaze begins
Quiet time for needlework
One last warm bath
A quick snack
~Autumn’s Glow~
There is something about autumn
That brings out such earthiness
Gold leaves adorn bushes and trees
Like an artist with a brilliant brush
Once the leaves dry on the trees
Then the wind begins to blow
It’s a special time of year for me
Because I love autumn so
The cold dry air it seems
Prepare the leaves to fall
Mother Nature’s special time
Yes, it’s the best of all
What a dazzling way to end
The year as winter nears
The way leaves let loose
And drop like nature’s tears
Oh yes, I love those golden days
Dreamy with autumn’s glow
It makes me smile because I do
Love the season of autumn so!
Marilyn Lott
That brings out such earthiness
Gold leaves adorn bushes and trees
Like an artist with a brilliant brush
Once the leaves dry on the trees
Then the wind begins to blow
It’s a special time of year for me
Because I love autumn so
The cold dry air it seems
Prepare the leaves to fall
Mother Nature’s special time
Yes, it’s the best of all
What a dazzling way to end
The year as winter nears
The way leaves let loose
And drop like nature’s tears
Oh yes, I love those golden days
Dreamy with autumn’s glow
It makes me smile because I do
Love the season of autumn so!
Marilyn Lott
Beautiful photos, Miss Peach. :) My favourites are the one of you (of course) and the roses! The birdie photos are lovely too!
I had a bath yesterday. I was getting dirty since I hadn't had a bath in three weeks!
I am hoping a new food will help my problems. The prescription food isn't working, but it has chicken in it like my other food, so if I'm sensitive to it, well, it won't help much.
I hope you are feeling better, my dear sister.
Oah, My Dear Miss Peach,
This is just great~! I love all of the photos and pictures. Seeing your pictures here, I almost could hear the birds singing and the leaves fall, seeing the beauty of changing season.
I am so glad that you inform me your condition, it's very sweet and very very ease to know you are getting better, certainly I am praying for your still.
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
I am so happy you bring the art to us today again, This is very joyable~!
Adan * michico
Dear Miss Peach,
we hope you are doing better?
It's geting cold and cloudy here in Vienna. We don't like the weather but momma loves autumn (Beans are weird...)
Hugs & Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
These pictures make us happy.
We hope you have a lovely day. We love autumn too, except here it is arguing with summer and summer is still holding on :-/
purrs and snuggles
your friends forever,
Caesar and Prinrin
Wow, gorgeous photos! All our robins left a long time ago. Thanks for sharing them.
That are very beautiful pictures! I love them all!!!
I am so happy that you are feeling better!!!
Lovely pictures and poem Miss Peach. We really like autumn too, cool air in your fur really feels good after summer's heat and humidity. We purring and praying that you feel better very soon!
Dear Mizz Peach,
You iz out of da pan!!! I yam soo happy. I waz worried about you roastin' by axi-dent. Momee uzes dese typez of panz to cook in & I did not want you to cook!
Your momee iz furry talented it lookz like. She must like da Vicky-torry-eanz.Momee sez dat waz a much more "gent-eel" time.
Do you like eelz????
Dr Tweety
All beautiful pictures, but especially the one of you, Miss Peach.
Those are all incredibly lovely photographs! Of course you are the loveliest subject. I'm so happy that you've been up and around a bit, that's so nice to see!
What a visit I've had, beautiful colors, interesing things to see, and a poem to warm my heart. You are a jewel. I'm hopping you're doing better today.
The photos are all very lovely. You Mom is very good at her needlework. I really like the white roses, too.
Beautiful Fall colors! The season is captured so well. And you look wonderful of course! Most leaves have made their way to the ground at my home and within the next 3-4 weeks they might all be gone.
Those are all very beautiful photos. I like the birdie needlework one. (I promise I would never eat it!)
Hi Miss Peach,
What a very lovely post.The photos are beautiful and wonderful poem.I
hope your feeling well my friend.I'm sending you a healing (Hug).
Your Pal Ariel
Hello Sunshine!!
It does my heart good to know that you are surrounded with such beauty.Nothing,though,could take away from your beauty.I hope your health continues to improve and that you enjoy the last blooms of the passing season.
ooooooo pretty pretty. I hope you are still feeling better everyday.
we won't get many pretty fall colors here this year because in April we had a devistating frost and all summer we've had a terrible drought. mommy is sad because she loves fall colors. she says they make her feel snuggly.
i say, she can snuggle with me anytime she wants! ok, anytime I want. ha ha ha
Oh my precious sister, what a beautiful post! Fall is my Mom's favorite time of year, and we so enjoyed your beautiful photos and the poem.
I have been purring and purring for you, precious, and I hope you are getting good snoozes in your frying pan! I will join you there for a snuggle.
And *giggling* at "stay little boy pills" for Cole! So adorable. He is the sweetest little fellow!
Much love and purrs and snuggles from your adoring sister,
Thanks for stopping by this morning, Miss Peach. I left a Hallowe'en treat there for you.
I've already been eating really super high quality food. 100% organic, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, no by-products, no grains, etc., so my mom is a little frustrated. But if I'm sensitive to chicken, then having it be all those things doesn't really matter. I hope the chicken-free food helps, because if it doesn't, my mom will REALLY be worrying lots.
I hope you are feeling better. Hugs and purrs.
ohhh miss Peach you are soooo cute...and not too old either, why I' a youngin at 16 yr old...and look at all the experience we can share with some of these youngsters...Meowww...your still as pretty as a Peach....Meowww
lovely pics....;-)
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