Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


I know we have not been around the bloggy of late...but we are still here and all is fine with us.  Today we feel a bit melancholy for days gone by...so we will show some cat art like we used to do in the olden days of our blog.  Of course I have to have some pictures of myself first...I am after all the most important cat in this blog.

All of this amazing dreamy art is by Raphaël VAVASSEUR

 I am sure that if you stayed with us up to here, you know where our hearts are being drawn to...to our pretty Miss Peach and our sweet Miss Hunny Bunny.  We never forget the furs of yesterday and what they brought into our lives.
Thank you all for loving us and dropping by all of these years...on May 23rd of this month we will be celebration our 10th  Blogging Anniversary!!!  We hope to always be here with you...


The Florida Furkids said...

Your photos and the artwork photos are all wonderful! We think about Miss Peach and Hunny Bunny too.

We'll be back for the 10h Anniversary celebration!

The Florida Furkids

Anita B said...

Happy Sunday to all at the Cozy Cottage. Glad to see you back here. I was getting worried. What beautiful pictures you have shared with us today. Thank-you so much. All is well here at the edge of the world. Spring has come and we have many flowers and pretty trees. Peace to you and I look forward to celebrating your blogging anniversary.

KitKat (Joan Ryan) said...

Such beautiful artwork you have brought us this fine day dear Karla. We will never forget dear Peachy and Hunny Bunny. We think of them often.
Looking forward to celebrating with you later this month.
Love and hugs,
Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

Jans Funny Farm said...

it's wonderful to see Miss Hope and to be reminded of Hunny Bunny and Miss Peach. So many precious memories and, of course, recent photos of Hope. Glad to know you are all okay at the Cozy Cottage.

Michelle said...

Beautiful, bittersweet artwork, Karla! Hugs from Boulderneigh.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh goodness!
We did enjoy all the cat art today :) Thank you <3
We do miss Miss Peach and Hunny Bunny.
Looking forward to helping you celebrate 10 blogging years May 23.
Our 10th is August 24.
We have enjoyed these past 10 years of your blog so much too :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We always stop by when you post! We could see Mrs Peach and Hunny Bunny in those paintings!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

miss hope !!! what total lee awesum art werk, pleez ta tell yur mom we said thanx for sharin ~~~~~~ N ten yeerz !!!! whoa...thatz az old az me....tuna of moon !! ☺☺♥♥

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!!! It was nice to see you Miss Hope and you did a lovely job sharing the art work.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy blogoversary, Karla! We have enjoyed the Cozy Cottage posts over the years and are glad to know you plan to be around for a long time.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!

The Florida Furkids

da tabbies o trout towne said...

miss hope:

we iz makin R way cross blogger N werdprezz;
seekin ree crootz ta help uz fite a war against
bass terd turkeez.

we noe ewe don't haza lotta free time but thatz
whatz awesum bout thiz reequest; ya dont knead ta
due a thing.

wood ewe like ta join R familee in thiz fite? if
mom sayz itz oh kay, all ya hafta due iz send uz
yur mobster namez, a fake one oh course ☺☺ N we will post
it next thurzday.

we iz inta round two oh ree crootin "familee memberz".

we iz off line for a few sew heerz two an X ray fish
kinda week oh end ~ ♥♥

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy belated 10th blogoversary. We've missed visiting you.

We are slowly reconnecting with our friends since Mom Paula retired and hope to see you more often.

Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula