She looks so innocent now that she has her ear tipped as a badge of courage after her spa day...but I still think she is a toughie with a chip on her shoulder behind those bewitching eyes. I will stay safe inside the cozy cottage and wish you all a most wonderful Sunday...
She's a lovely ladycat and we're glad she's recovered from her spay surgery!
Oh she's so beautiful and I think you will grow to love her Hunny, even from afar if necessary. Someone at the cottage is a super photographer -- such gorgeous photos of her and you previously.
Hugs, pets and purrs,
Happy Sunday to all at the Cozy Cottage. How wonderful to have those garden kitties altered and so now will be safer as they won't have to fight about mating.
It's a beautiful autumn day here at the edge of the world. I hope everyone has as nice a day.
She looks gorgeous!
That's probably best, Miss Hunny. She like you, is a real looker. Haf a purrfect day. xoxo
Adorable pictures!I wish you a lovely Sunday!
She is looking good! I am glad she has a safe place around the cozy cottage!
We hope she starts to mellow
Hello Scrappy! Our outside cat Zolie has been so relaxed since her surgery. Mom trapped her in July and was worried she'd be tramautized being inside at the vet's (first time ever inside) and so close to people. But she's doing wonderful and has gained weight. She was so thin and scrawny after all those litters she had. She truly is having a better life.
Yeah, spa day or no, I don't think I would scrap with Scrappy! The cat before me was one tough kitty - and she was spayed before her first heat!
Scrappy Cat looks just like my Whiskers. He was a toughie, too. I'm glad you are safe inside of the Cozy Cottage, Hunny Bunny.
So glad everything went well for Scrappy. I work at a veterinary clinic and a few weeks ago we spayed two lovely feral kitties for a lady who has a colony that lives on her farm. TNR is such a great solution -- the populations stay stable, and the kitties get to live out their lives without contributing to overpopulation. I'm so glad Scrappy and her kitty companions have someone like you to look after them. Hugs and head bumps to you :)
Oh Sisterkitty, we are sorry Scrappy Cat and you do not get along. She is very pretty and has had a hard life.Now that she is spayed, maybe things will be easier for her. She may not mellow, so you better get used to looking out the windows. It does not bother us. You could do supervised outdoor visits ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
She's very pretty. We think you're smart to stay inside the cozy cottage.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
don't let scrappy get the upper paw on you Miss Hunny Bunny.
You know what they say - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
It's probably wise to stay inside now, Hunny. Perhaps Scrappy will gradually relax and become more social with you as time goes by. Perhaps a cup of catmint tea . . .
Laura and Taffy
She's such a lovely lady kitty. Those are beautiful eyes. But few could ever be sweeter or prettier than you, Miss Hunny Bunny.
We thank you and always look forward to our time for tea with you. Delicious as always, thank you.
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