Recognize anyone in the stamps below?
I hope you have fun looking at all the crazy kitties in my collage above. If you click on can go to the webpage and learn how to design your own layouts in art, fashion or interior design. It is the greatest fun and one of the reasons mommy doesn't get anything done around the cozy cottage....she is way to busy playing there....while we go hungry, Lapdaddy is out of clean BVD's, the dust bunnies take over the cozy cottage and the weeds invade the garden! So we wish to share the fine and pleasant misery. Show us what you has never be easier...this is one place where dreams are free! Happy Sunday...

Miss Peach, I have been Rubber Stamping all week and I was wondering if you ever got your stamp made!
We hope your Mommy feeds you soon; you're always welcome to come over and eat with us, Misses Peach and Hunny Bunny=we've got nip too!!...Have a great Sunday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What a terrific collage with that "special" stamp -- I firmly believe all our postage stamps should be of cats!! And what a masterpiece mommy created with those kitties, several of whom I recognize. Simon is particularly cute. And I think mommy has her priorities in order!!
Pets and Purrs,
Those are some cool cat collages! Mommy did a good job. Dust bunnies can wait!
Beautiful collages.. I love them.. Hugs GJ xx
I hope you get food son! That is a lovely collage but collage doesn't feed your tummy!
Good Evening Sunshine Wife!!!!!!!
Goodness,nut I love that stamp ;)
Your Mom playing on the computer is like mine!! There is not a lot of time in the evenings as it is and she likes to surf!!!!! She is also reading a lot :/ Now, she will visit that site and want to play with it,heehee
It does not take much to distract our Moms. This weekend was nice, so she was in th yard cleaning up. Exercise,she called it.
At least we have regular meals, heehee
I am also happy to see that Ellie is happy with Harley. Yes my Sweet!! You are a great ambassador for the Devon Rex :)
Hugs & Purrs Sweetie and I hope to see you soon :)
Moonshine Mickey
Happy Sunday, Miss Peach!
What beautiful collages! Your Mommy is very talented!
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