A beautiful sunny summer day....
My silly grandkidbean Cole...
Taking a self portrait!
We are all crazy about "I LOVE LUCY" at the cozy cottage. Laughter is the best medicine...
Mommy loves her Michaelmas daisies...
that Lapdaddy planted for her in her new soup tureen urn...I think it looks like a chamber potty...
Don't you just love these lemon yellow baby zinnias? Princess sent them to us! Thank you sweet curly sister of mine!
I love my life, hectic as it is. I love my home, as peaceful as it is. I love my job, as rewarding as it is. I love my husband, as wonderful as he is.
What LOVEly photo Miss Peach!!! We love our beans, when mommy slips us some table food :o), chasing bugs, boxes, bags, napping, scratchies, and BUBBLES!!! And, Mommy loves our daddy and little bean! Oh yeah, us too! Have a Purrfect Weekend!
pretty flowers! We love our furever homes and our Mom an Dad!
I am far less altruistic than you.
Wow, we've never seen or heard of the black sunflower before!
Got a good laugh about the chamber pot urn. Maybe your visitor kitties will use it as such.
Lap Daddy & mommy can make all sorts of private jokes about it: "What have you put in the chamber pot today, dear?" "Oh, the usual". "The chamber pot smells wonderful today" HAHAHAHA
Beautiful flowers! Wow.
I love my hubby, Jim and our three cats.
I love the smell of laundry hung outside to dry.
I love taking a nap on a Saturday afternoon with a kitty or two next to me.
I love a good book.
Oh Miss Peach you must tell your mom that her flowers are all so beautiful! And those are great photos of you and Cole! And I love all my kitties, and all my wonderful blogging friends who are so wonderful - like you Miss Peach! And I know all my kitties would say they love me (most of the time - bath times probably not so much).
the flowers are beautiful...and you look real cool!
Love your pretty flowers.
Yes! All these things are lovely. Add. I love my family, my cats, my garden and my hobbies and... of course my blogging friends.
Natürlich habe ich gleich für Dich gevotet, Peachy. Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Sonntag. "Macht was draus".
Hugs&kisses, Birgit und die Pelznasen
I love cats, cats, cats and cats. And chocolate. And Kevin, my Luvbug. And I love the way Blogs let you find new friends you would never have known about. AND you know those last few moments of the day, just before you fall asleep? I love that.
Oh! And raspberry-ripple flavour ice cream. And going out on my new bike.
I Love Miss Peach and Mommy Karla! You make me feel sunny inside no matter how cloudy the day is!
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