While we were in Depoe Bay I had my 16th birthday on January 10th. Mommy bought me this crystal mouse...
I like it so much so I kissed it.
Did you know that the classic movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was filmed on location in Depoe Bay?
One of mommies treasure she found while tide pooling...looks like a jelly fish.
The Spouting Horn during the war. They were worried about Japanese invasion and were quartered in the Inn.
Betty's world famous deep dish marionberry pie with a side of vanilla bean ice creme!
The beans in front of 'Their' lighthouse. The Yaquina Bay Light. They were married here in case you did not know that yet.
We even did some whale watching!
Mommies 'Light' in romantic black & white....
Look how busy we were making all of your Valentines books for those of you who were so kind and sent us Christmas cards....I snopervized each and every step!
The world famous painter Wyland painted the whale wall in the harbor front of Newport.
The Yaquina Bay bridge in Newport...
In a fun reflection....on the waterfront
The Coast Guard Station in Newport
Thar she blows.......
The Spouting Horn today.
Beautiful brass doors to the charter boats...
Leading down to the worlds smallest harbor.
Mommies favorite...shrimp and Cheddar on a toasted English muffin!
My Dear Miss Peach..wonderful pictures...I do like your birthday present..A mouse..like me:)I would like to give you a belated BD kiss,and give a hug to your Mommy but I am afraid she dousn't like to be be hugged by a mouse;)
Please gosee the garden blog because Mr bee send us a crazy postcard...he sends you his love!
Take care!
Your dedicated Miss Mouse
happy birthday piki
Beautiful photos, Miss Peach - and belated Happy Birthday!
How neat that the beans got married at the lighthouse. We spent one day on the Oregon coast on our honeymoon. My husband is from Seattle and has relatives in Harrisburg and Corvallis, so he'd been there before, but I'm from the East Coast, so had not. It is beautiful! We would like to go back some time.
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful trip you had!! I love the little mouse and Mom loves the ocean views!!
It is so nice to see all the things that your Mom enjoys. I just know you all had so much fun!!!!!
You are a great snoopervbisor too,heehee
Hugs & Kisses,Moonshine
Happy Birthday Miss Peach! What a great trip and lots of great things to see! We really loved the picture of your Mom and Dad in front of the lighthouse.
Oh what lovely memories. We remember that bridge and I think my human may have eaten at the restaurant with those lovely eggs.
Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing your memories and Happy 16!!!
Ooh did someone not only say, but show me chicken soup?! :) Well I'm quite sure I could find a nice home for a little of that - well ok a lot! ;)
Happy Birthday, sweety! We love the picthres. It gave Mom a mini vacation. She said now that her bean son was not in teh North West, she would probably never see it again!
Happy Birthday, Miss Peach! You've been busy, supervising your mom's creativity and sightseeing.
Miss Peach, the Oregon Coast looks wonderful - My Mum was looking for a place for her and Grandpa do go on a bit of a vacation and this looks very nice.
You are so lucky that you got to go with your Mum and Dad! AND to spend your birthday in such a lovely place - Happy Belated Birthday Miss Peach!
Wow! Looks like you all had a great time! Meowm is envious!
Happy Birthday Miss Peach! What a wonderful way to spend it watching the sea gulls from your window! Loved your pictures of Newport and Depoe Bay! Hopefully you got to see the sea lions in Newport too! We go over to the coast every chance we get and absolutely love it over there. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday Miss Peach! What a beautiful place to spend your birthday!! And the Lighthouse is beautiful!
Your FL furiends,
Happy birthday Miss Peach. What lovely photos, thank you for sharing them with us.
While I've never had a crystal mouse for a birthday I have had a 'nip one - boy was that a good present! :) I'm glad you had a lovely 16th Birthday Miss Peach...
I've just discovered your neat blog. I love these photos of the beautiful OR coast! My hubby and I were just talking about the coast at lunch time, and then here are these wonderful pictures of Depoe Bay! I've been there many times, even though I live far away in BC, Canada. I'm off to explore some more in your most amusing blog!
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