Today is CAT ART SUNDAY and mommy has been so busy working in her sketchbooks. Somehow so many cat stamps found their way into the artwork, as you can see . They just seemed to fit on to the pre~stamped pages so purrrrfectly. What do you think?
This has been a lazy weekend...mommy stamping away while the Lapdaddy painted the garden shed. The mail lady brought the beautiful drusy pendant I won in the auction from Auntie Deb and ML. I will give it to mommy as a surprise, after she catches that darn mouse...I have been lounging around waiting for some company to come to tea and help mommy catch that darn mouse! Miss Jan from the funny farm is right...I do not need to lower myself at my age to catching mice...so, who will help? The tea kettle is always on....
You look stunning in this dress Miss Peach,how could i resist you.Lets do tea..My place or your's
Your Knight in furry armor Mr.Bee
p.s Urgent message from Miss Mouse.
That darn mouse you are trying to catch is her cousin from Londen and he always was a bit DAFT.So Miss mouse gave him a call on his cell phone teling him to behave..
We do hope now the mouse has left the building..
Oh Miss Peach dear,
We enjoyed a bit of whimsey with our cup of tea as we try to relax the night before a ten week term starts up.
I love the artwork! I don't do mouses, but I would love to come and sit with you and have tea as we wait and watch for some big man-cat to catch the mouse.
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!! <3
What a glorious display for us this morning!!! The stamping looks so nice!Mom needs to learn to do that ;)
I look forward to tea with you and Mr Bee!!!!! Maybe some younger kitties will come and tell Mr Mouse it's time for him to go home. Heehee
I;ll see you soon Sweetie! xoxoxo
Purrs Moonshine
Good morning Sweet Miss Peach! I could not resist coming over to see you. Thank you and your mommy for your sweet get well messages!
I hope that you have a wonderful day!
Auntie Deb
That cat art makes me feel like smiling. :)
Beautiful artwork I can't stand mouses.
I'd love a cup of tea with you Miss Peach. I haven't been by in a long, long time and I feel bad about that.
It's summer and really a fun time to visit, don't you think? I like that you are looking well, too.
Your mom bean is so talented with her stamping and cards. My mom bean adores the things she does.
You look so pretty in that dress Miss Peach. We will come over and catch that mouse for you, and Eric will resist temptation and not eat it.
*giggle*, darling sister! You are so precious. And your Mommy's art is so beautiful!
I'm afraid I don't like catching mice any more than you do, but I will bring MaoMao, Brainball and Dorydoo over, and they'll help catch it. All three of them love to hunt, and they're very good at it, too!
Much love to you, dear heart, and worlds of floofysistersnuggles and purrs!
We can send the boy kitties over - Crystal, Percy, Cameron and Rusty. They've never seen a mouse but surely they could catch one.
Our woofies would like to come to but they're rather like bulls in a china shop and you're much too refined.
Miss Peach - your mommy is so talented! I gave her a shout out in my Uncle Mo poem at the Cat Blogosphere today!
My sweet Miss Peachy,
Dat iz some nice art in your momeez book. I enjoyed it furry much & den I sat & deescribed it fur Auntie Stinkie. She alwayz has to know what iz goin' on oevfur at your housee & in your gardun of deelites.
We missez you,
Dr Tweety
Oh my, yoor mom's art is so lovely...Sadie and I, Speedy, would love to sit in yoor garden and have tea while Zippy chases the mouse off. She's very good at that sort of thing and quiet about it too.
These are very very lovely cat arts~!
I really love them!
I think they're so pretty! I loves them!
If I lived near, I'd be over with the humane trap we used on the mousies in our house a few years ago! We baited them with chocolate cookies and the mousies loved them. Then we set them free with some hazelnuts, in the woods near us.
I am feeling quite low and know that giving you a cuddle and a little rub under the chin would help so much. I miss my cats. They live with my mum as she has a bigger garden for them to explore. I only see them every few weeks. I miss their warm furry toes and their purrs.
I have a fiancé, who lives with me, but at times like this, one just needs a cat. I know you will understand purrrrfectly. I need a kitty cuddle, a kitty purr and some kitty understanding that only kittys can do.
Oh, PS- I love the cat stamps. I've just started to use rubber stamps. But I haven't found any kitty ones yet.
hello sweet peach! your mommy's artwork looks fabulous!
it sounds like marilyn will send the rest of the family by to help with the mousie problem. for my part, i've never caught one, although i'm sure lucy could do it in an instant!
we miss you muchly...
I love that kitty art!!!!!!!!
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