Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

~MY BOX OF LIFE~A Very Important Meme!

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
~ Mary Oliver~ (Thank you Luxor for posting the purrrrfect quote for my meme:)
I have never been a cat of many possessions, I do not crave them. Silk and satin or velvet beds interest me not. Content with a grocery sack or a discarded frying pan I quietly nap the days away, sometimes even in my litter box. Crystal food dishes and Staffordshire water bowls are stacked in the corner cupboard. A paper plate and Tupperware water dish suit me just fine. They hold a basic menu of dry crusty crunchies while my pantry fills with untouched, undesirable, unwanted gourmet stinky delights. My drawer full of fancy toys gathers the dust of my daydreams. I am just a plain old cat...and that is that!

So what do I place inside my BOX OF LIFE?

I place the extra lives given up for me by my dearest kitty friends.
I place the love and purrrrayers they showered me with while I was so very sick last month.
I place the tender feeling of a human touch. Happiness is a cat, a cup of coffee and a good book in a cozy parlor.

I place the ray of warm golden Spring sunshine I sleep in on my pillow on the window seat.
I place the sultry Summer evening the beans and I spend listening to the cricket concerto out on my patio.
I place the sweet scented Autumn breeze...it beckons me, time to come indoors.

I place the frosty Winter night I curled tight into moms arms under the feather bed.
I place moms poem penned lovingly after I purrrred to the silent dance of falling snow flakes.

Why night so light

Oh ground so bright,

In the quietness, the still,


A nocturnal opus

Forms under the covers,

A crescendo of contentness,

From her soft sweet purrrrrrrrrr....

I place the silver tear drops mom cried for Henry the VIII, our King of gentleness.
I place the kitchen faucet...there is magic in it...I love to see it fall down onto my sandpaper tongue.
So come and go the SEASONS in my kitty cat life. Now comes the winter. I am content to lay by the fire and purr as the magic of love enfolds all around me. My life is complete because I have found you. My heart is full because I have placed you all in it....Love always Miss Peach

A SIMPLE BUT VERY IMPORTANT MEME: List your treasures and tag other kitties and their humans also, as many as you like. Let this reflection spread through out the world. We need to count our contentments as Blessings!

~~~What do you look back over and treasure enough to place inside your BOX OF LIFE?~~~

I tag:
my lovely sister MARILYN
my Moonshine MICKEY
my kindhearted ADAN
the beautiful furs PRINCESS & CAESAR
my beloved brother DRAGONHEART
my forever mommy KARLA


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Miss Peach, this meme makes my heart all warm now~!

I reading and reading the words you say, and fall of the sunshine came into my mind.

Thank you for tagging me this meme, this is my great honored. I will do it after Mike's visit. I have to prepare good :)

Certainly you could come here if you want to, I certainly will also let you love Taipei :)
It would be an art trip, and perceptual traveling :)

I love your house's decoration, it's really Christmas coming~~ That is so great~!!!

Hug, Purrr, and Praying ~~

Heidi said...

What a sweet kitty - so happy she is feeling better.

Poppy Q said...

Miss Peach, you has such a gentle way in the world. Thanks for making us stop and be thankful for everycat and bean.

Dats a lovely picture of you and your lapdaddy together.

The Wanderer said...

wows you dids a great meme!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wonderful Miss Peach. :) You have a lot of wonderful treasures in your box of life. You look very sweet in all your photos. Thank you for tagging me. I will think on this and post it later this week.

My heart is full of joy for having known you, Miss Peach.

Ramses said...

Oh what a wonderful thing to have done, you have given me such a lot to fill my little kitten brain with for now that I'll even have to forgo putting the bitey on my big brother Ramses for a bit...


Mickey's Musings said...

Good Morning Sunshine!!!
Reading your beautiful meme brought tears to my eyes and Mom's.
That is a wonderful meme and deserves much thought.You force us to think about what is really important in life. Perfect!

"I am just a plain old cat...and that is that!"
That is your quote. I disagree.
Only the cat part is right!
You are a
beautiful,sensitive,loving sharing and caring cat... and that is that!!
Looks and possessions matter not.Beauty comes from within and you have it in spades my sweet!!
I must go & think on this meme!
Your devoted fan :)... Moonshine

Honey P. Sunshine said...

u r precious miss peach

Tigmut'hep said...

Thank you for your lovely welcome to me Miss Peach. You are every inch the ladycat! :) Purrr class all the way...

Headgirl said...

What a lovely heart warming list.
Although you didn't tag me as such, may I take up your meme?

Gentle tickles

Thanks for signing my guestbook!

LZ said...

That is very wonderful. You remind us all to stop and appreciate the wonderful things we are blessed with.


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh this was just beautiful Miss Peach. Very moving and lovely, just like you!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's very touching. Those are beautiful pictures of Miss Peach and Henry.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful Meme! So often we forget to remember all the wonderful things and people we have in our life.

When you feel up to it please drop by for tea. I would love to spend the afternoon with you talking of all the great things we have in our life!


Miss Peach

YOU brought tears to all of our eyes and Mom's eyes are leaking the mostest. What a touching sweet tender BOX OF LIFE memoir...oh we loved it so....how sweet and wonderfully magical you are.


Anonymous said...

Hey Peachy, that was wonderfull!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Leaky eyes here to Miss Peach.
Thanks for the reminder that what we have isn't important. It's who we have. The intangibles of life are very precious.

The Furry Kids said...

This is a great meme, Miss Peach! It gives us something to think about.

Daisy said...

Miss Peach, your box of life is very full, indeed. And the great thing about it is there is always room for more.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Miss Peach. What a wonderful Meme. It makes us feel good just reading it. You have placed some wonderful things in your box. I hope you'll be visiting more now that you are feeling better.

Take care dear Miss Peach and hugs to your mommy and lapdaddy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my beautiful sister! I just love your meme. So heartwarming, and what a wonderful way to reflect on the blessings, the treasures, in our lives, in our life's boxes. I will do much reflection on this wonderful meme -- I want to do it justice. And dear heart, you are one of my most precious treasures in my box of life. I love you very much, and thank you for tagging me for this precious meme!

And what a beautiful poem your Mommy wrote for you -- it warmed my heart and soul.

Worlds of love and warm purrs and sistersnuggles from your adoring Marilyn.

Tybalt said...

What a beautiful post, Miss Peach! You are a lovely and eloquent kitty. Purrrrs.

The Cat Realm said...

What a wonderful treasure chest you have!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Dearest Miss Peach,
this is such a wonderful meme you've made up for us.
How are you doing today? we hope you are well!
gentle headbutts and hugs
Kashim & Othello

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and kind meme.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

What a beautiful post Miss Peach! You have such a way with words and what a wonderful life box you have.

We will try to do your Meme, but we don't think it will be half as beautiful as yours.

Kisses from Italy,
Your Farmboys

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this is soooo wonderful Peachiepusskins. We will try to do this very very soon! and we will let you know when we have it ready. We are so fortunate to have lived this long and to have such a fulllll box as well.

We love you. Thank you for sharing your home and treasures with us.

(((hugs))) **smooochies** and headbutts and lots of purrrs
from Caesar Prin and mommie

ps: Blizzie is visiting home today for a few hours and we are sooo happy :-) <3 so we have not spent much time on the computer... but we are certainly glad we came here!!!

Jimmy Joe said...

You wrote that very beautifully, Miss Peach. You have lots of lovely snuggly nap places!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Darling Miss Peach and sweet Mommy Karla -- I just wanted to say I just love the Mary Oliver quote. Thank you so much for sharing that! I'm going to put it on my writing blog.

Marilyn is hard at work on your beautiful meme -- what a wonderful idea!

Much love and hugs from the Ballicus Mom.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Miss Peach, this is the best meme ever! We love this and we are going to play along, too even though we weren't tagged. We just can't resisit! You are so right. Every moment, every day is to be cherished and it's so easy to forget. Thank you for this beautiful and heartfelt reminder!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a wonderful meme Miss Peach! Please give us an update on how you are feeling!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Peach,

This is a very lovely post and Meme.
You are a very precious and dear kitty friend...Hugs Ariel

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

What wonderful things to put in your box of life! Such precious things that have everlasting worth. Those of truly the things that make up a life of fulfillment. What a wonderful reminder this post was for me! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Boy said...

That's sweet! You know how to keep the weal tweasures Miss Peach!
And thank you for joining in mine party too! It was gweat to have you!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Miss Peach, I have posted my Box of Life today. :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Miss Peach, this is wonderful Meme. Dragonheart tagged me this morning and I am going to get started on it right away! Yours is wonderful. I can feel the love and it touched our hearts as we read it!
Your FL furiends,
And Mom

Anonymous said...

We are without words....
Your Box of Life is so... beautiful (we cannot find another word, sorry)

What would be our life without you, Miss Peach? What would be the cat blogosphere without you?

Purrs, nose kisses and love to our 11th kitty,
~Ruis & the catwalk kitties
~The Staff

Alexi said...

Oh, Miss Peach,
Thank you so much for the lovely meme as well ast the message you left for us at the Castle. Our eyes were all leaky. We want you and your beans to be well and happy for as long as possible. I would like to take up your meme in your honor. I love to drink out of the faucet; my daughter and another Russian like to do this as well so it will go into the box. Do come by for some tea, ham, tuna, etc. when you can. I look forward to it. Take care.
::hugs::--and purrayers,

Lux said...

What truly special things you have in your Box of Life, Miss Peach!