I will wait here everyday and watch for you to come back home mommy!
and to see gardens, museums, castles, Indians, historic sites,
a university, folk art and lots of beautiful foilage.
I will miss you dear friends as much as I will miss mommy!
Mommy, please have fun and come home safe
and with lots of presents for us!
and with lots of presents for us!
In the meantime I might just have to break in my Lapdaddy.
Click on the link below and watch my new video!
Hello and morning greetings MissPeach.
We hope your mommie has a safe trip, even though it is tragic that she is leaving you, hmmmmffff
I hope that you and daddybean can manage without her. Your little cottage and gardens are so lovely, it is something like a dream land, how inviting.
We would never ever ever forget you, MissPeach. You are loved by us. Please be careful while mommie is gone. Do not worry.
(((hugs))) and *smooochies*
Well then come over here and let MomBean pamper you. She would love to have a Victorian ladycat to make tea for.
Miss Peach, we will miss you too but we would not forget you.
I live your mommies decoration it is wonderful, and the flowers too.
You have to keep the house with your daddy, great job.
Hehehe, Bärenmarke, I´m happy you had fun to see this on my blog and you remember the song...
Have a nice day and your mommie have a nice week!
To the Mistress of Briarrose Cottage, Have a wonderful, wonderful adventure! Going solo is an experience that will stretch your wings in many ways. Enjoy it all! And share photos when you return. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Oh my precious sister, you will not be forgotten -- we all love you and will miss you! I'm sorry your Mommy is going away for a while, but I hope you and Lapdaddy have a good time, and wow -- your Mommy will be very near our Ballicus neck of the woods -- the Appalachian Mountains -- even though we are in Tennessee! *smile*
I'm so glad you liked what I said about you and Mickey -- the two of you are such a lovely couple, and the romance between you makes my heart go pitter-pat. He will be counting the days until your return to blogging, I am sure, as all of us will -- you are so, so loved. *smile*
I will teleport over often and we will share cozy sistersnuggles, sweetheart!
Purrs and snuggles and lots of love from your adoring sister,
We would never forget you sweet Miss Peach. Take care of yourself and your daddy while she is gone, and we'll be waiting for your return.
What a lovely home you have.
Miss Peach, I am going to miss you a lot. And I know it seems like a week is a long, long time, but it does go by pretty quickly. Do not worry, we will never forget you. I hope your daddy takes good care of you. My Mommie said maybe your mom should write instructions for him. Because my Daddie made a couple of mistakes when he was taking care of us by himself.
Oh she is a lucky lady! I know you'll miss her but she is going to have such a great time!
ise miss you loads cos ise just gettin to knows you Miss Peach! looking forward to seeing you again and hope your Mum has a good trip! x
I'm sorry your Mommy is going far away on a trip, but she will be back. And no one will forget you (hugs).
Those are such beautiful pictures, but the most beautiful one is of you, Miss Peach.
from a land called briarwood, i send my kitty mommy love. sweet kisses, too. i love your picture sleeping in the sunny window.
Don't stress out little peach, we will be awaiting your return with open arms :) I wish your mommy a safe trip!
We could never forget you - take care of your daddy and we will see you soon!
we will miss you for sure Miss Peach but we could never forget you!
We hope your momma has a nice trip and comes back soon and safe.
Kashim & Othello
Miss Peach!!!!
We iz NOT goin' to forgetz you!!! You iz our very own peach.. & I lovez peachez, dey iz my flavo-rite fruit! &, my kitte frend!
Love & nipz,
Dr Tweety
Hello Sunshine!!!
You are being abandoned for a week?!!I'm sure your Dad will take excellent care of you. Now that I have learned about teleporting,I can come visit you and help you pass the time while your Mom is away.Your Dad will be there ,so that will be good.
No cat could forget about you my sweet.You have many friemds here ;)
Hello again Sunshine! Mom wanted to say how much she likes the cards on your mantle.I see you are ready for the Halloween and Harvest seasons.
I could never forget you Miss Peach!
We NEVER forget you Miss Peach!!!! I am sure your Daddy takes good care of you while Mommie is away.
Take care, sweety!
Your new video was hilarious!:)
Purrs (and we only are a thought away)
I hope your Mommy will be return soon, I am so happy that your cold is better now then your mommy leave~!!! No need to worry, she will be home soon, we will all here to be with you~!!
By the way, your video is awesome~!!! I love watching it over and over again~!!!! That is an excellent true movie~!!!!
We could never forget you, Miss Peach. I hope your momma has a good trip and brings you back lots of pretty pictures of leaves and flowers.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Miss Peach, we will not ever forget you even if your mommy did go to the far away lands of North Carolina for such a long time. You can teleport over and play with us in our brand new kitty condo!! We will be posting photos of it soon. We are sending you much love and kitty hugs until you're back online again.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
deer miss peach,
i know how sad it iz to say goodbye to momz fer a while. wen she comez back dere shood be sumthin wating fer her frum mi mom.
i won't ferget u. nocat can ferget u!
I love you, too, sweetheart! I'll see you on your bloggie next week, and I will be teleporting over to snuggle with you every day.
Take care of your precious self -- much love and purrs and sistersnuggles!
This video must be good, the maid laughed even louder the second time through...
I don't get the humor of it....
We will miss you, Miss peach, but not as much as you will miss your Mommy! But we will teleport over and the week will go by in no time!
Kalle Blomquist, he is a detective, not from Bullerbue. The maid said she has to read the stuff again, it is tooooo many years since she did the last time....
Upps - I guess i was using one of the maids accounts (nds syndrome sufferers).... sorry for that...
I won't forget you, Miss Peach! How could I ever forget my darling sister. :)
I hope your mom has a safe trip, and that she brings a little something back for you.
Oh Peachie! I will never forget you! You are so sweet! I can teleport over to your place and then we will have lots of FUN!!!
We'll miss you so much, Miss Peach. If you want to teleport over, we have really great napping spots at our house. Or you could use the new skillet, if you prefer. Momma will put a cozy blankie in there for you.
PS - My mom thinks it very amazing that you and your mom get to have all those pretty things in your cottage. And no one whaps them onto the floor.
Peach dear, we could never forget you, even if we wanted to...which we don't.
I miss you already! I hope you are doing well and that you have a great week and I can't wait 'til you get back to blogging!
Thank you for coming to my party and helping to make my birthday the best one I've ever had!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Mommy went to see the fall way far away too, in upstate NY and she got to ride a cho cho from the 1800s .me I am just glad shes nack! Meow
Oh, Miss Peach. That is a terrible thing that you will be missing your mom bean so much for a whole week. I will not forget you. You should never worry about anyone forgetting you. You are very sweet friend and adored by everyone.
I love the pictures you put up on your site. It's like a trip through faerie land, beautiful images to put in my heart and carry with me all the rest of the day.
I hope your mom bean has a very wonderful and safe trip. Please stay well while she's away and take very good care of your Lapdaddy.
Just think of all the poems you can think up to send to your darling Mickey when you mom bean gets back.
Very warm, snuggly hugs and kisses to keep you till we see you again...G
Hey Miss Peach, of course we won't forget you. Hope your mum has a wonderful trip and brings you back lots of good things. J x
Of course we won't forget you, Miss Peach. I hope your Mom has a safe and wonderful trip. She will miss you as much as you miss her. I hope you won't have to use methods as drastic as those in the video to train your Lapdaddy.
Just coming by for a while to hang out with you!
Hello Our Dear Miss Peach - We are sad because our beans have left us to go to Airy Zona - We hope your daddy knows how to use the can opener and will take good care of you while the two of you are on your own. Take care. Neelix & Sinda
Hi Miss Peach! We are sorry that your mom is going away. We hope that she has a safe trip and comes back really soon. You still have your dad to take care of you.
The video was so funny!
Your friends,
Hope your mom has a good time in North Carolina. We bet she will miss you too.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Dear Miss Peachy, my sweet sister -- I hope you are enjoying our sistersnuggles -- you are such a delight! And I wanted to let you know that I've tagged you for a meme when you come back to blogging -- I bet you will enjoy this one a lot!
Here's a direct link.
Much love and purrs and snuggles from your adoring sister,
Miss Peach, I could never forget you! I hope your Mommy has a safe and enjoyable trip and that you and your Daddy do well without her!
That video was so funny - my Mum laffed and laffed and laffed : )
See you soon and stay healthy and safe.
Miss Peach, we will never forget an elegant lady like yourself. We look forward to when your human returns after her wonderful break. We are signing the deal on our new apartment by the sea today so we are very excited. FAZ
Hello Sunshine,I hope you are doing well in your Mother's absense. Maybe later today I will teleport over and we can chat for a while.I hope you are keeping warm during these cooler days.
Take care my sweet!!!! Purrs
Miss Peach
We could never forget you...never never never ever. We hopes your Mommie has had a good time and enjoyed herself. We look forward to her coming back so she can help you update us on all that has happened to you while she has been away.
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!!
It is a beautiful sunny day here.I hope the sun also shines on your pretty face!! Time is going and soon your Mom will be home.I imagine you cannot wait!
Stay warm in your frying pan.I will teleport over later today for a visit(if you are not busy ,my popular sweetie)
Miss Peach - it is toooooo long!!! Still two more days.... I can't wait for your Mom to be back, we miss you!
Hi Miss Peach,
We could never forget you. Your such a sweet dear friend and we all love you so.I hope your mommy has a wonderful vacation yet I know she'll miss you lots...Hugs and Purrs Your Pal Ariel
Hello Sunshine
Tomorrow your Mother will be home!!! I know you are over the moon with excitement.Get some rest so you will be ready for her return.I look forward to hearing of her trip.
Goodnight My Sweet!!!!!
i hope your mommy had a great trip! did you have lots of visitors?
mom bought a present for you and your mom. she'll put it in the mail soon. it's to help get ready for christmas!
Hello Our Dear Miss Peach - Yeah! Our mommy & daddy came back from Airy Zona. We were purry glad to see them. I'm sure your mommy will be home soon. Hope your dad has figured out how to use that can opener! XOX Neelix & Sinda
Your Mommie comes home today, yay! I am sure you will be delighted to see her again.
Yay, I heard yur Mommy's comin' back today! WOO HOO! I hope she had a great trippie! We love you and missed you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai.
I am so happy, I heard your Mommy is due home today! I know you will be so happy to see her. I hope you enjoy many snuggles!
We have miss you, darling sister! We love you! And we hope your Mom had a wonderful trip.
Purrs and snuggles from your adoring sister,
Oh how wonderrrful to see the leaves turrrn...someday purrrhaps I will do that. My lady bean happened upon a beautiful place in Old Town Clovis, Ca. called the Victorian Rose--it is a beautiful place like yourrr home. They have fine dining, etiquette classes, and fancy gifts. It is the Old Clovis Hotel--but was rrrenovated. When you step thrrrough the doorrrs it will take you to anotherrr time. Even the ladies who worrrk therrre drrress in trrraditional Victorrrian Clothing, verrry elegant!
Is your mom home yet? We've missed you!
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