Well are these the coolest earrings that Ann from Zoolatry put on me or what!?
Mommy said I can light up the path when I go strolling in the garden at night. Today I had a handsome gentleman caller come and accompany me on a stroll through my autumn garden. He makes my old kitty heart skip a beat. I will tell about our walk and show you some garden photos on Saturday. A budding romance can tire out an old girl so I will turn in early for my beauty rest. (Lapdaddy thinks I need all the rest I can get!) YAWNnnnnnnnnn......I will visit you when I wake up.....thank you for letting me get some rest, my nose is itchy and I am sneezing and coughing a bit right now.
Love Miss Peach (dreaming of a special gentleman mancat:)
I think that stroll was lovely! I know who the special man-kitty is!
Peach dear, you look stunning in those earrings. Did your Mom loan them to you for your special date?
You are very beautiful, I don't know of a Man Cat who wouldn't want to stroll with you.
Wowwww, it is very very fasion look on you~!!! Amazing and impressive, very good~!!!
Please come and see I give you an award~!!
Miss Peach we think you look beautiful with or without the gorgeous earrings, but we know you wanted to look especially good for your date with...........(we think we know who). We are anxious for the details.
Moe & Mindy
Hey Miss Peach, lookin' good! I hope your mancat treats you right! If you ever want a mandog, just let me know! J x
Oh Miss Peach! We are back and SOOOOO happy to hear that not only are you out of the frying pan but you're wearing gorgeous baubles and taking walks with gentleman callers - wowie! What a recovery! You eat all the butter you want in our opinion! Happy Friday, Peachy!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Oh Mizz Peach,
Doze ear-ringz is FABULOUZ DAHLINK!!!
You iz even purrtier dan any of doze modelz in da magz. I yam hooked!
-Dr Tweety
Miss Peach, those earrings are simply divine! A gentleman caller! How exciting! You are never too old for romance my dear Miss Peach. Rest up : )
Miss Peach it sounds like your special mancat has a crush on you. It is easy to see why because you are so beautiful and sweet.
Ohhhhh... I am so happy for you, darling Peachy! *singing* Love is in the air... *smiling great big*!
You look gorgeous in your earrings, sister dear!
Purrs and snuggles to you, sweetheart -- my heart is singing for you!
Lovely earrings! But you are irresistable either way ;)
Those are beautiful earrings and you look so beautiful wearing them. I heard that you had a date with a special mancat ;-)
Those are great earrings. We can't wait to hear about your stroll. Have a great nap!
Hello Sunshine!
First let me say how much I enjoyed our stroll in your incredibly beautiful garden.
The earrings you have may light up the garden a small bit.It is your own beauty that lights up the whole garden.Quite simply, you are as a ray of sunshine!
Until next time,sweet dreams Sunshine
An evening outside walk with a mancat!? In the moonlight?? Oh, Miss Peach, I am proud on you!:) I want to know all about it.:)
And those earings are gorgeous!! Zoolatry sent us a surprise as well. The mommies show it tomorrow.
Whoa, look at those earrings!
Hi, sweet little ginger sister! I wanted to tell you, I gave you an award!
Your earrings are lovely. I am so happy for you and Mickey!
Rumbly purrs from Brainball.
Wonderful news Miss Peach about your gentleman mancat caller! We are so excited for you! We can't wait to meet him!! We hope you are taking care of that sneeze and cough. Purrrs!
Your FL furiends,
Wow, you are dazzling!
I've got a little award thingy for you on my site when you wake up from your nap...
Get some rest...G
Very cool Miss Peach! Those are quite the pair of earrings you are wearing. I am glad you had a lovely stroll. :) I am sorry to hear you are sneezing and coughing. Sending healing purrs your way.
Wow! Are those heavy? You do look nice but I'm afraid I would fall with those in my ears.
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