Today I thought I was going to
Mommy here: I know Miss Peach is up to something. I have proof about this!! She is sneaky in her old age!
PS: I was inspired by my feline furrrends at Mosaic Cats, and their female, to post some of my cat art collection. These cards were all sent to me by members of the Crazy for Cats Card Club. I have treasured boxes full of them and have decided to share them with you from now on. Hope you enjoy them.
beautiful cards! thank you for sharing them.
has peach given you any ideas about what she might be up to?
mom go great pictures of lucy tonight. she'll probably post them tomorrow.
too warm this evening. ugh. icky sticky.
ben fuzz
lucy fur
mom toni
All of those cards are wonderful, Miss Peach. :) Thank you for sharing. :) I hope your mom's grumpiness passes quickly.
Thems is nice cards miss Peach.
My mum won't let me make any cards - she said I will get glue all over my fur.
Poppy q
Such beautiful cards~!!!!!! Thank you for showing them it's wonderful~!!!!!
I love those~!!!!
Hi Miss Peach,
I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong.Your a very sweet lovely kitty..Maybe you should give her some
extra kitty kisses.Me and mom love the cards there beautiful :)
Hi Miss Peach,
Wow! Mosaic Lady was SO SO SO grumpy last night and she stayed in bed (with us) till very late today and is still grumpy! Part of it is the "icky sticky" weather, surely, and part of it that thing one of your cards mentions with the MPS letters in it.
I love your cards! Maybe we should start a "Share Your Cat Art Sunday" ritual? We're gonna go see if we have any art to share this morning. That will help with the grumpy factor around this HUMID ICKY STICKY house.
Your colorful friends (who are trying to be extra good today so as not to get picked on!)
Those are very very pretty cards! That is a neat thing to collect. Now I am very very curious to find out what you were up to, Miss Peach! I think you have a little bit of mischief in you.
Great cards Miss Peach. Very creative post. Hmmm I wonder what's up in the Peach household...
Your momma and My Lady are a lot alike. Moody people, hmmpf.
Wow, those are such gorgeous cards, dear sister! I'm sorry your mom is grumpy. Give her a big snuggle from me and lots and lots of purrs!
Purrs and snuggles from your loving sister,
Oh, we love that idea of Share your Cat Art Sunday. And we can't wait to find out what's happening over at your house...
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh wow what a treasure trove you must have!!! Will look forward to seeing more!-SS&S's Mom
Miss Peach: our mom has been on the cranky side lately too.
I really enjoyed looking at the cards - and I hope your mommy gets put back into one piece!
peachy girl, i hope you're doing ok over there in the heat.
been thinking about you today. warm happy thoughts.
suzanne is sitting on mom's shoulder purring in her ear...reminding her of abiding love. there's a rustle of wings as she gets more comfortable. mom tilts her head so suzanne has plenty of room. she purrs and purrs.
You're bean's collection of cards are very pretty and cute. I like the way you showed them off.
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