November is here and the time to cozy up is near. I have selected a place that does not make mommy happy at all! I am afraid I am in the litter box. It is covered and cozy and mommy even put a blanky over the opening. We are going through lots of litter these days because I should I put this deliCATley...I have to go potty someplace handy! I know...I should be enjoying my honeymoon and I am I....mommy doesn't understand that my potty is my teleporting capsule.

I got a new cousin !
That makes me happy today =)
Lovely post.. I love your mums collage.. Hugs GJ xx
Wow Miss Peach...what an awesome wedding photo, so wonderful!
Good Morning Sunshine !!!!!!
I am so happy you are having fun on our honeymoon :)
It's OK if you like the litter box,heehee It is a handy teleporting device ;)
The lovely pics today with happy kitties makes me smile and the video makes Mom smile :)
Is something going on with Honey Bunny? Is she moving in????
Hugs Mickey
Rosina Wachtmeister ist auch mein Favorit in der Katzenkunst. Ich liebe ihre Bilder.
Karla, Deine "Autum Color" sind sooo schön. So herrliche Aufnahmen voller Farbenpracht. Ein wahrer Rausch. Sag, sind die Fotos alle aus Eurer Umgebung? Dann wohnt Ihr einfach herrlich. Die Brücke auf dem 3. Bild erinnert mich an einen meiner Lieblingsfilme "Die Brücken am Fluß" mit Clint Eastwod und Meryl Streep.
Schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße
I love these pictures today and the video is deeeelightful!
Rosina wachmeister is really great. reminds me a little of the hummels they are also making of the cats. I think Dragonheart's mum had a few.
I love the wedding group photo, Gosh we are a handsome bunch, huh?
Love always curlysisterkins, Prinnie
You are making me get into such a lovely autumn mood.
We hope your tummy is feeling ok Peach! You always pick the most unique places to nap of any cat we know.
Are the people going on another trip?
I guess it's okay to sleep in the litterbox if it's clean Peachie Pooh. :)
Are you feeling okay? I love Mommy Karla's collage! It's so Victoria worthy. The way it should be.
We have the flu hitting our house right now. I have been waiting on my daughter, fussing and worrying. She feels miserable! I hope it doesn't even think of coming to the Cozy Cottage!
Sending love and hugs,
Beautiful pictures. Very relaxing!
It is so beautiful! I'm always enchanted by Autumns mood and colours!
purrs and love
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