Yesterday I was pressed into duty as the official taste tester for the evenings dinner. Cole always comes home hungry from school so we put dinner in the oven at 3:30. Mommy is fussy about making sure all things are good and fresh so I helped.
Mind you, she did not ask me to do this but I sort of took it upon myself to be a helpful cat. First I had a go at the comes in small cartons like we used to buy in Germany and is heat treated for a long shelf life of a few months.
Oh yes it is very good and creamy! PASS! Then I went on to taste the butter to see if it really did have the promised yogurt in it....lick lick lick...oh yes it is very suitable to add to the potato casserole.
Then mommy came into the kitchen and cut up some turkey sausage and offered me a small piece. Well kitties I did not even lick it. I do not like people food unless it is a dairy product. There were no was just too good! I must brush up on my cooking skills because soon I will have a husband to take care of. I hope he likes potato and turkey sausage casserole because it is hard work cooking, I am back to the Motorola.
Good Morning Sunshine !!!!!!!!!!!
It is so good of you to taste test everything!!! As for your cooking,I will love anything made by your lovely paws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have some sweet dreams on your warm Motorola!!! :)
Purrs Moonshine Mickey
I am sure Mom appriciated your new job of taste tester!
Miss Peach, you're so nice to "help" your mom like this :)! And I'm sure Mickey will love anything that you make for him.
Oh Miss Peach we just found out about your engagement! Congratulations to you and Mickey!
Taste testing is hard work. I am glad you got a nap...
I help my Mummy wiv der cookin too. I like maykin caykes an then I get to lik the bowl!!
Pleez remember to carfter yor paws wen lyin on that metal thing!
Nose hugs!
Ahhh Miss Peach, what a helpful kitty you are! DOn't worry about cooking for your husband. I am sure he is so in love he will have quite lost his appetite!
I see you are on the Motorola again; do look after your wee paws! Where are the socks she bought for you??? Possibly your fiancé found them sexy!
Nice to know your mom uses quality ingredients! That casserole sounds good!
Oh Miss Peach, ich nehme an, vor lauter Aufgeregtheit musst Du immer schnökern jetzt. Ich gratuliere Dir herzlich zur Verlobung. Pass nur auf, dass Du vor der Hochzeit nicht zu dick wirst, damit es sich der Schwarze nicht noch anders überlegt ;-).
Liebe Grüße, auch an Mommy von
Test tasting has it's perks!
Dear Miss look like sleeping beauty..shall I come and kiss you!
Heard the wonderful Happy:)
You dedicated Mr Bee
GAH!!! I missed yesterday's postie. Mommie has been playing some bad piano for all of us here and she plays
MooooonRiver, she just loves it from the moooovie.
I love testing foods in the kitchen and do it all the time. The box milk is very tasty and so is cottage cheese and yogurt and butter and cheese and whippy cream is delish too.
Have you had pudding? vanilla pudding is my very favorite. just lovely. Cream cheese? oh goodness, you must try it.
purrrrs to you curly sister.
ps: do not worry about cooking, I am sure Mickey will have a servant for both of you or just go out for meals, which is also quite nice.
Miss Peach, you look like you had some tasty snacks. You are awesome all passed out snoozing on the motorolla.
Miss Peach, you are such a good taste tester!
I see you and my sister have much in common Miss Peach! Honestly I'm not sure if any milk or yoghurt would last around here if she had her own way, as it is she samples as much as she can! ;)
PS: I have cute baby photos for you to look at! :)
Hi! We are finally back to blogging. We missed all of you so much!!!
Purrs from all the Taylor CatSSSSSS
Love and kisses from Auntie Deb
Congratulations on your engagement!
Hee hee, aren't you helpful in tha kitchen.
Mine favorite place is on ours cable box... is that what you's on? Aren't they wonnerful.
Love & Purrs,
You were a very busy kitty--with all that taste testing! This is the first time I visited your blog--I will come back again!
Noir in Texas
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