Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Painter of Light...

If you are a fan of Thomas Kinkade paintings, please watch him tell about his Christmas Cottages. If not, then scroll down and see my sunset photos.


Ramses said...

Oh that's just so purrty! My Mummy loves those Christmas cottage paintings and in fact most of the paintings here are of autumn or winter in the forest... :)


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Hello again,

That is so pretty. I am now keeping an eye on your blog and think you are one lovely puss cat. Come by and visit me too sometime.

Hugs Ginger Jasper xx

Cat Street Boyz said...

That was a nice treat Miss Peach, thank you...Mommy loves the Village Christmas painting best.=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

Miss Peach we did not know thi man but boy does he make some gorgeous paintings!
I think I owuld like our house to be one of his paintings.. they are so puuretty!! Thank you for sharing! :)

Pes:Thank you for your lovely birfday wishes! and my Title!! woah!! but I does not deserve it.. my pictures were just make believe :(( Doesn't stop a boy from a wishing huh? :P hehe


Motor Home Cats said...

We love Thomas Kincaid paintings. Our Grammy had one painting, and our Uncle M. and Aunt C. have 3 of them. This was a very nice video.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade