Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


"GO GREEN" and do what you can for the environment: Bathe with a friend!
original art card made by Barbara Snyderman CCCC
I know this post looks familiar, but I am continuing 'The Dare' from Karl and The Cat Realm with my card from above. So, 'I DARE YOU' to bath with a friend! I will also have some good news for you tomorrow, so be sure and pop over. Oh, and I have been feeling better today with little sneezing because I am taking my medicine like I promised I would. If you bigafy, you can see how wet I am. Mommy got a little mad at me for getting all wet, but I was thirsty and it is real warm outside today. OK I will take my medicine....

I spent the rest of the day napping out on the warm patio. Going to the VET takes a lot out of an old girl. Taking my medicine sure makes me thirsty! So to help conserve the environment and save mommy from putting out a new water bowl, I decided to take the DARE from the CAT REALM and drank from the water hose. We never waste any water here at the cozy cottage. Mommy even empties my old water into the flower bed. As you can see, I also do not need to take a bath today since I was able to drink water and get washed all at the same time! Now I think I will go and sleep in the sunshine again like I did yesterday...it is part of what Dr. Oliver ordered.


Leslie said...

Oh my you look lovely out in the sunshine. :)

Anonymous said...

You are very wet, Miss Peach! You were multitasking and conserving water! You took a bath, had a drink and watered your plants!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hello our beautiful Miss Peach. We hope that you are feeling much better today.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Oh, Miss Peach. We didn't even know you were feeling poorly. We hope you get to feeling better soonest.

We gotta like a V*T who perscribes naps in a sun spot. Our kinda directions.

Ailurophile said...

You are very environmentally conscious and a good kitty Miss Peach ~ I gave you an award ~ you can pick it up here: http://tinyurl.com/4nhsl4

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think drinking out of the water hose and getting a bath at the same time was very environmentally conscious and also very brave.

Hope you are feeling better, it is no fun being sick. The only advice we have is to get plenty of rest and to take your medicine. ~S,S & C

The Dutchess said...

My lovey Miss Peach. This is good news. You take care now and have a quiet sunbathing weekend!
Warmly Mr Bee

Mickey's Musings said...

Good Morning Sunshine !!!!! <3
I am so glad that you caught the infection early!! Be sure to take all of your medicine.I want my girl around for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You look so sweet drinking from that hose :) That is something I have never done ;) No wonder your face is all wet,heehee
I will have to come over and lick your pretty face dry :)
Enjoy the warm sunshine and get some rest too :)
Purrs Moonshine <3

Parker said...

It's a smart thing to get a drink and have a bath at the same time!
I hope you are feeling better!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You certainly have fulfilled your dare.

We hope you feel better quickly. Taking your medicine and resting in the warmth of the sun are excellent ideas. Enjoy your day.

Tina T-P said...

That looks like something Sinda would like to do - she used to drink out of our waterfall, but The Shepherd shut it off because there was a leak someplace. I miss its soft noise. I'm glad you are feeling better today Miss Peach. T.

Ingrid said...

You are a very economical girl, taking a bath and drinking at the same time, that's good for mom's water bill !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Now that is a very good thing you have done to help the environment!

Daisy said...

Hooray for doing your part to help the environment! I am proud of you.

Asta said...

Pleeeez take cawe of youwself and take youw medcin and get all well !
You awe such a good kitty fow youw consewvation effowts..Thank you
smoochie healing kisses

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow! Miss Peach, you are very environmentally friendly at your home today! We are so glad you are feeling better! Naps in the sun are the best!
Your FL furiends,

Shaggy and Scout said...

That looks so cool & refreshing!

The Cat Realm said...

Miss Peach, how wonderful!!!! Thank you for doing this Dare - all the while while you are not feeling totally good!
How creative and fun - this was a masterful acceptance, we are very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

hehe you is very brave Miss Peach! I runz from the water...
Did it tickle your nose? :)))
We hopez that you is getting better :))

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I hope you are feeling better today, Miss Peach!
You look very pretty in water droplets, but be sure to dry off!
~ Anna Sue

Purrageous Pirates said...

We think that taking quite a few nice long naps in the sun is just what the doctor ordered Miss Peach! We hope you feel all better ver soon!

TheSlyCat said...

What a lovely day! It's been very rainy here. Have a great weekend! Enjoy some sunshine for us!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

the video was sooo lovely. You are lucky to get out and have some fresh air and sunshine. That is probably what makes you so strong, MissPeachiekins. I am glad you got some yummy medicine too!
It is nice to get around a bit every day and nap in several places too.
I hope you feel perfectly wonderful tomorrow.
OH! I love getting in the shower and standing at the edge and getting sprinkled on the face, love it!!

purrrs to you sisterkins

Willow said...

I'm glad that you had some fresh water to drink and I hope that you are feeling much better today!

Purrrrrrrrs, Willow

Lux said...

Excellent way to help the environment, Miss Peach, plus I'll bet that sunshine's good for you! :)

L. Alida said...

Miss Peach, seeing you enjoying the water and the sunshine has made my day! You must be feeling better! Such a nice video to watch on a rainy day. It has been raining buckets here!
It's so nice to have that relaxation time with Mommy Karla and you two make a good team conserving water that way. I hope the rest of the weekend is just as lovely for you. Please keep feeling better! :)
Sending Gentle Hugs and Love,

Bogdan, the editor said...

We love your noggin lines.

Mr. Hendrix said...

i hope you are already feeling better Miss Peach. we are sending your NOMSS safe and protecting thoughts and asking St. Francis and St. Anthony to guide him home

CRIZ LAI said...

That's a great dare you took up even though you are not feeling well. Keep healthy always the Miss Peach!

Hugs and Purrs
The J Kitties

Anonymous said...

Well, Miss Peach, Chessie conserves water by drinking the drip on our leaking bathtub! Maybe your mom will leave you a drip or two sometime to enjoy in the house.

Gretchen said...

Ah, yes, bathing and drinking at the sametime. Very conservational of you.

Miss visiting with you...Gretchen

Tink said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! Enjoy the sunshine and have a wonderful Sunday!

Mickey's Musings said...

Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!!! <3

I am so happy that you are feeling better :) You are also wonderful to accept the Dare too :) It is another of the many reasons that I love you :)
Purrs Moonshine <3

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hello to our Sweet Miss Peach! We wanted to stop by and wish you a very HAPPY SUNDAY! Are you feeling better? Are you taking your medicine? We are sending many healing purrs to you!!!

Have a lovely day and please tell your Mommy "hi" from our Mommy!

Tiger Lily said...

hahahahahahahahaha! Oh my!! We are not laughing at you dear Miss Peach but we just love your water conservation plan!!

We are glad you are feeling better. Sunshine and meds are a great combination.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

The Florida Furkids said...

We're happy to hear you are feeling better today! We're also glad to hear that your pal Normie has come home again!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hello Miss Peach! You definitely took the dare and passed with flying colors. I do hope you are feeling better soon.

The Cat Realm said...

I am glad that you seem to be getting continuously better! Very smart to dry off in the sun right away!

Luna und Luzie said...

Sleeping in the sunshine is indeed a good medicine. We hope you feel better now, dear sister Peachie.

Love to see your video, you are very bravely. We don´t like the waterhose, but Patch love it to drink like you from the hose.

Here in Germany it is very cold. This morning by 7°C/42°F with a strong east wind. We can use the winter jackets. Fortunately the sun is shining.Surely Gardenweather but with a jacket.
Liebe Karla, ich habe am Wochenende Birgit getroffen, das war sehr schön. Wir waren beim Stempelmekka (stamp excibition)und haben viele schöne Stempel gekauft. Kannst du bei Sammelleidenschaft ansehen.
Liebe Grüße
Big hugs and healthy purrs
Stefanie and Luna

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You surely like water, Miss Peach~!
I don't like it, only like drinking water like you!
I like the video that you drinking water~!!! Looks very tasty~!
I am so glad that you are doing perfectly well~!

Ingrid said...

Water is good for the fur in the heat, lol ! and drinking from the hose tastes better then from a bowl. You can join Arthur and the others as member of the Green Party !