Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Sunday, March 27, 2011



HAPPY CAT ART SUNDAY!! Oh I am such a happy old kitty girl...just look at me...can you see the smile on my face? Now look at the beautiful kitty in the mini quilty below...are we twins or what!!! I will show you more tomorrow and tell you who send this sweet little treasure to me!


Anonymous said...

You and the quilt kitty look just like twins! You must have some PURRty nice FURends to send you PURResents that are so goods.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We agree there is a definite resemblance between you and the quilt kitty. What a beautiful gift Misses Peach.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids said...

What an amazing resemblance! That's a pawsome quilt!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Lorraine said...

Oh what an adorable kitty and her person with glasses. I always try to buy the wildest looking "cheater" glasses I can find. But oh Ms. Peach, what a portrait of you -- you are indeed a beautiful kitty and your photo is lovely. As to the cat smiling below you, you are much prettier!! Thanks for another fun cat art Sunday from cold snowy (!) KY.

Stacy Hurt said...

oh Miss Peach your face is quite lovely and so precious!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Lovely smiles...very Devonish (aka mischievous)

Shaggy and Scout said...

That close up of you is absolutely gorgeous!!

Anita B said...

Happy Sunday, Misses Peach. Glad to know things are fine at the Cozy Cottage. Spring is arriving here at Bog Hollow, too. The pussy willows are showing their soft toes and the red bud tree is making tasty treats for the squirrels to eat.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Such beautiful art and you are beautiful too Misses Peach!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello sisterkitty :)
You DO look happy and we are glad to see that.
We look forward to learning about the sender of that happy quilt!!

Purrs Tillie & Georgia

RoySr said...

Lovely smiles on a loverly Lady Kitty. I just wanted to thank you for the kind words you left at our Blog. Life is not always friendly, neither to Bean nor Kitty. We've got ours under control (I think) and we'll be back blathering along hopefully tomorrow.

Take care little one, be safe, and soak those sunbeams. They are good for a lot of smiles. Just like in the quilt.

Love the picture.

I'm Baaaack!

Just sayin .....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

that is awesome to have a quilty twin!