Miss Hunny Bunny is here on this wonderful sunny winter day to help cheer us all up with her beauty...
with her impeccable style...
and she hopes it charms the socks off of Seaborne so maybe he will ask her out on a date on Valentine's Day...
There is a new PC in the cozy cottage but it will take a week of Sundays to program it and get smartified about how it works...without our Lapdaddy helping us, we would be belly sticking ourselves around here!
Miss Hunny Bunny you are indeed a lady of impeccable style and beauty.
Good luck getting the new computer figured out.
Miss Hunny Bunny is looking so pretty today.
Hunny Bunny, you truly are glowing in that wonderful light!
Ummmm....Seaborne just fainted. He will have to get back to you.
Hunny Bunny, you are beautiful!
Miss Hunny Bunny, I would be honored if you would join me on Valentine's Day. We can do whatever you would like!
Oh Miss HB! You have lovely luminous furrs. I see Mr. S has all ready swept you off your paws for Valentine's day. I hope you share the more public parts of your date with us! Sounds sooo romantic!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Glad you have your computer issues sorted. Hunny Bunny is looking great!
Hunny Bunny is a really beauty!
Liebe Karla, ich wollte Dir immer noch danken für Deinen so liebevollen Kommentar. Ich habe durch unsere Probleme hier gar nicht mitbekommen, dass es bei Euch auch nicht alles so toll war in den letzten Monaten. Ich drücke Euch ganz doll und hoffe so sehr, dass wir wieder mehr voneinander hören/lesen ab jetzt.
Viele liebe Grüße
Deine Freundin Birgit
Good luck with the new pc.. I would be in the queue for that valentine date for sure.. Hello beautiful.. Hugs GJ xx
Hunny you are indeed a beauty!
Does momma Karla brush you regularly to give you such a gorgeous coat?
You are very pretty, Hunny Bunny.
Hi sweet Hunny Bunny!!!
Miss Hunny Bunny we feel sure you will have a Valentines date! Good luck with the new PC
Oh so beautiful & regal you are Hunny Bunny!!--you need a gorgeous cat necklace with a couple crystals and a nice engraved name & address tag on it.-- If someone would find you roaming around , they would take you and not know that you are the Princess of the cozy cottage. {Miss Peach is the Queen}....xo-Valery
What a gorgeous hunny bunny -- a real photo op!!! She looks especially regal and sweet next to the angel.
Sweetie, Butterscotch and Flutterbye have all been tested for feline aids and leukemia and all are negative. Big YEAH.
So now to work on finding them homes. But it will be difficult to give up the darling calico kits we've tamed.
Hugs, Pets and Purrs,
We are SURE that Seaborne will ask you out on a date for Valentine's Day!
Miss Hunny bunny, you do look lovely.
Oh Miss Hunny Bunny you are a beautiful cat!! You remind Mom of her Ariel!!
We hope you got the new computer working!!
Luv & hugs from your TX furiends,
Miss Hunny Bunny does look so elegant and lovely in those pictures!
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