Hello everyone...Buddy here today as promised! I actually came inside the cozy cottage for about five minutes!!! It has taken mommy over two and a half years to get me to this point of domestiCATion. I still wanted back out real soon...but I lay down for a split second...see all the baby squillions by the back door...? {What do you mean I can't whup them around!!??)
I am looking up at the pantry door where the foodies are kept...yep, I go some:)
Looking out the back door onto the summer patio place where we all spend our time when it is warm...hey let me out now!!!
Hey, does this picture make my butt look big? (what do you mean I can't say that on Miss Peach's blog!!??)
Checking out the front room...That's Miss Peach's piddly pad there on the right...(What do you mean I can't say that because it is embarrassing...sheesh!!??)
My furs have a cool pattern to them...(what do you mean I am bragging!!??)
Well this is the front door area and I am going back outside...too many rules here...bet I would have to drink my tea with my pinkie up! Thanks for wandering around with me...see ya later...stay warm and happy!
Hello Buddy,
isn´t it cozy there ? You should better stay inside when it is cold outside. I think mommy karla is so kind to give you food and let you stay in the cozy cottage.
Your fur signs on your back is beautiful.
Maybe I can get the garden Mietzer come in the house one day too. it is sooooo cold here -10° and he sleeps outside on the terasse...poor boy!
Liebe Grüße und Schnurrer
Oh Buddy, what a fun cat you are. I loved your tour of the cottage and your commentary. You and Hunny Bunny should team up and become a comedy commentator team! She would be the glamerous side kick and you could be the funny commentator. I wish all you outdoor kitties would suddenly change your minds and decide that living inside is the bees knees and save us people a lot of grief worrying about you getting too cold. I know I worry about my outside kitties.We are having snow here today and I wish mine were all safe and warm inside.
Love the new collage mommie did.
Hugs, pets, and purrs,
Wow, Buddy, you came inside! That's a lot of patience on the part of the humans, after 2.5+ years, but it's paying off. We hope you come in again very soon!
Buddy--enjoy your time inside. You will get used to it as you learn that if you meow loudly enough they will let you back outside!
Hello Buddy. Enjoy the inside with the girls and all of the frilly stuff.
You can always have some time out with the lap daddy!
bonkbonks to all of you
Thanks for the tour, Buddy. You do have a cool pattern in your furs. It is lovely!
Hello Buddy, I enjoyed the tour and enjoyed seeing you inside.. Hugs GJ xx
Buddy, you are so funny. Loved the tour and everyone in the Cozy Cottage and Garden. Mr. Whiskers comes into the house sometimes but doesn't stay very long. Maybe if we had snow, he'd want to be an inside kitty for awhile.
Luv and hugs.
Well this is quite a milestone Buddy!
We wish Zolie would come in, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Well that was a good little go round, do come back again sometime!
Hey Buddy,
Glad to see you went into the cozy cottage for a little bit and that you got some treats while you were there.
Hey Buddy!! How nice of you to do the tour :) We hope your snow is gone as it will be cold outside!!
Please give our love to Misses Peach.
She must be enjoying her lamb blankie :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow, Buddy, you even let yourself be photographed! That must have been a pretty big day for you!
Hello Buddy, you are so beautiful!
It's snowing a lot!Better stay inside home and take long naps!
Buddy, you are just so very handsome! Your markings are great! You look like you were having fun. We would love to visit the Cozy Cottage!!!
Hi Misses Peach!
Hey buddy, good to see more of you. We like your stripes!
We can't blame you for wanting to go back outside, Buddy. You just can't seem to say anything right. Our Buddy knows just how you feel. But maybe if you keep coming back, you'll all find some middle ground where you can say what you want and the ladies will pretend they didn't hear you.
Nice to see that Buddy is doing well and the pictures of Miss Honey Bunny in the snow were wonderful too - T.
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