Miss Hunny Bunny wandering in the backyard....hmmm what is this?
OH NO!!!!!! Who is this stray cat??
This is Scrappy Cat...Hunny Bunny's mortal enemy. Scrappy first came to the cozy cottage garden last summer with her two black kittens in tow. She was just skin and bones. Now she is well fed and looking beautiful...but she is mean as a snake to Bunny and I have to chaperon any visits when they encounter each other. Girl cats have hissy fits!
The Stray Cat - A Poem For Children
At the end of the garden, Annabel got a surprise,
when through the hedge she saw two bright green eyes.
As she walked slowly closer, she crouched down to see
a small fluffy cat, as black as could be.
She held out her hand, and said "hello,"
but the cat just hissed and crouched down low.
Annabel thought, "What a silly cat,
Grandma's Buttons doesn't behave like that."
Buttons was fat, with shiny ginger fur,
Who would rub your face and gently purr.
He played with toys and climbed the tree
and fell asleep sat on your knee.
Not like this cat with his eyes opened wide,
he quickly ran away to hide.
"What a silly cat to act that way,"
but he came back the very next day!
Annabel was lost for words
as he ate the bread put out for the birds!
Underneath the fluffy fur, she saw he was thin
and watched him rummaging through the bin.
He came back every night and day,
to try and find food they had thrown away.
He started to eat it, it can't have been tasty,
Annabel thought she may have been hasty.
He wasn't unfriendly or being bad,
his face looked frightened and very sad.
If no one else had ever cared,
he probably was very scared.
Annabel spied on him, as off he sped
and spent the night underneath the shed.
Alone, hungry and with no name,
Annabel thought it was such a shame.
So she told her Mum and they looked out,
for when the black cat was round and about.
They would take out food every day,
sometimes he'd hiss and run away.
When he did they did not mind,
they knew he wasn't used to people being kind.
Dad put a catflap in the door of the shed,
Mum got an old blanket and made a cosy bed.
They called him Midnight and he soon understood,
that his life in their garden could be good.
Plenty of food and a warm place at night,
and if he didn't want to be stroked, that was alright.
Poor Midnight had been a lonely stray,
but now he had a place to stay.
He may not want to be cuddled, or sit in the house,
but he liked to play with a new toy mouse.
He put on weight, his coat glistened
and when Annabel spoke, he sat and listened.
She knew he was thankful for all she had done,
a special new friendship had begun.
By: Rebecca Hobbs
At the end of the garden, Annabel got a surprise,
when through the hedge she saw two bright green eyes.
As she walked slowly closer, she crouched down to see
a small fluffy cat, as black as could be.
She held out her hand, and said "hello,"
but the cat just hissed and crouched down low.
Annabel thought, "What a silly cat,
Grandma's Buttons doesn't behave like that."
Buttons was fat, with shiny ginger fur,
Who would rub your face and gently purr.
He played with toys and climbed the tree
and fell asleep sat on your knee.
Not like this cat with his eyes opened wide,
he quickly ran away to hide.
"What a silly cat to act that way,"
but he came back the very next day!
Annabel was lost for words
as he ate the bread put out for the birds!
Underneath the fluffy fur, she saw he was thin
and watched him rummaging through the bin.
He came back every night and day,
to try and find food they had thrown away.
He started to eat it, it can't have been tasty,
Annabel thought she may have been hasty.
He wasn't unfriendly or being bad,
his face looked frightened and very sad.
If no one else had ever cared,
he probably was very scared.
Annabel spied on him, as off he sped
and spent the night underneath the shed.
Alone, hungry and with no name,
Annabel thought it was such a shame.
So she told her Mum and they looked out,
for when the black cat was round and about.
They would take out food every day,
sometimes he'd hiss and run away.
When he did they did not mind,
they knew he wasn't used to people being kind.
Dad put a catflap in the door of the shed,
Mum got an old blanket and made a cosy bed.
They called him Midnight and he soon understood,
that his life in their garden could be good.
Plenty of food and a warm place at night,
and if he didn't want to be stroked, that was alright.
Poor Midnight had been a lonely stray,
but now he had a place to stay.
He may not want to be cuddled, or sit in the house,
but he liked to play with a new toy mouse.
He put on weight, his coat glistened
and when Annabel spoke, he sat and listened.
She knew he was thankful for all she had done,
a special new friendship had begun.
By: Rebecca Hobbs
Oh, hello Scrappy Cat. We know that you don't mean to hurt Hunny Bunny. The poem says it all!
Hi Scrappy Cat & Hunny Bunny, we are sure Misses Peach is a great chaperon. You should listen to her.
We has an award for you.
Poor Scrappy! Who knows what her life has been like! At least she's well-fed now, thank goodness!
That little stray girl is very pretty! That poem brought tears to mom's eyes.
Poor Scrappy - being alone with no one to love her. We are pleased she is getting well fed now.
Thank you
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hello Scrappy Cat. You look like the kitty that lives in our yard.
I can totally understand why Scrappy and Hunny don't get along - the whole territorial thing and all - but I still think it's too bad they can't get along! At least Scrappy has your human looking out for her.
Oh my! Hello Scrappy Cat!
What a beautiful poem. It reminded me of Mr. W. He has now become a wonderful companion and loves being stroked.
Miles and I, and mom too liked th poem. So so so sweet.
Mom has been sickkk so today is the first day she is shuffeling around.
She has a virus or something in her head, she coughs a lot. sorry.
bonks Missie Peachie and Hunny Bunny. Please do not argue with Missie Scrappy. She has what mom calls "ishooz" so just be sure she is okay and then run inside quick!
Nice to meet you Scrappy Cat - you are rather pretty! Do you share Misses Peach's dinner?
Well, Hunny got the prize because she moved into the cozy cottage.
We feel sorry for Scrappy having to live like she does.
Well, it is easy to see that Scrappy kitty has benefited from coming to the cozy cottage ;) She is looking lovely :)
There is nothing wrong with chaperoned visits :)
Miss Karla, you are wonderful to look after the stray kitties :) !!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Ah, what a beautiful poem and sweet story. I can identify with it through my outdoor kitty. Thanks for the lovely photos too. It seems that just when you've taken in all the stray kitties, another appears! And what a terrific name -- Scrappy -- that's what I should call my troublemaker orange tabby. He picks fights with all the other and has the wounds to show for it. But, amazingly I can now touch him and yesterday applied antibiotic cream to his head wound. I had cleaned it all up by putting antibiotics in his food for a week but then, another cat fight. Must catch him soon and take him to be neutered. Hopefully, then he'll settle down.
Hugs,pets, purrs,
What a perfect poem for your story and photos! I, too, hope to one day trap TomTom and make his life easier!
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