thanks so much for your wonderful support and tips and well wishes! Kittie is nearly overwhelmed with good Karma coming her way :)
She continues to improve!
Yesterday we had a little episode with was somewhat between amusing and terrible, involved too much drinking of water and straining to poop in short and continued succession and ended up in a giant cat barf LOL, a look from her like: how do you like THIS eh?
I got scared that her system just can't take all that food, but she didn't do that again.
Keeps eating well and more forceful now and keeps it all down.
Lets me know LOUDLY when that food bowl gets near empty, ohboy :)
I've just been making room in the garage (no small feat, believe me...) and scrubbing the floors best as I could. Right now there are two cars missing but they will be back soon, so now we're prepared for that.
She is still residing in the garage until we get this litter and dog thing figured out.
The dogs ever so often go look at her through the glass door, she will be hissing wildly, the boy dog is crying, the girl dog is wagging her tail with gusto. That's a good sign, the boy is just a chicken and jealous if anything, the girl was my biggest concern as she is a hunter and protects me well from wildlife on our hikes. But her behavior changed already over to "I need to protect this thing, it belongs to family" from "I need to protect my family FROM this thing" ;)
Kittie now LOVES her pyramid cat bed. She has figured out that it is very cozy and a lot nicer on her arthritis bones than the hard floor. Goes in there all the time.
Since she is so terribly deaf, all my rummaging around with the floor scrubber and stuff didn't bother her a bit :)
Her eyes seem to work well though!
I can leave the door open while I do stuff, she'll check it but then turn around back to her kittie bed!
She started to sit ever so often. Did not do that before, only lie or stand/wobble around.
She does like being pet softly on the throat and ears but otherwise pretty much ignores me.
She does give me these *looks*, hard to explain, I'm not sure yet what they mean.
Well, that's all we can say for now. She can live a day, a week, another month or a lot longer. There is just no way of telling. But she does seem to improve every day and get stronger.
I figure, a cat that wants to eat THAT much, is not ready to leave this world :)

"Sigh... Took “Kittie” to the vet today to have her checked out. Compared to yesterday, she actually does begin to look like a cat and was walking around quite a bit! The verdict: weighs 5 pounds 11 ounces, severely dehydrated, about 13 – 15 years old! all remaining teeth need to be pulled (not that many left…)incredible arthritis, declawed, otherwise, she sounds good in heart and lungs, no tumors or such that the vet could detect, very strong and good heart beat
So, what’s a sucker to do? She adopted me, right? For some reason I am rather hesitant to call around the neighborhood to find the person who let this furrball deteriorate so far and give her back there. Maybe she was dumped? Vet said that happens often that people just don’t want to put up with an older animal and the vet bills that may be connected (kidney, thyroid etc.) So, I’ll see if I can fatten her up a bit and get her healthier, then blood tests to see more clearly where we stand, get those teeth taken care off and we’ll see if she can get a few more happy cat years on this earth. The dogs think this is pretty awful, but I’m sure we can find a golden middle way to get along together. What do you think?? At the humane society she would be put down right away in her condition, but somehow, the progress she already made in one day makes me think there is hope. She sure is a cuddler all around and I am waiting for that first big “real” purr, right now its more of a wheeze LOL.
Well, I have some kittie litter to buy and more soft food cans…. and a brush! oh gosh, that coat…."
We saw this earlier on the CB and went over and left a message.
We hope that your family are recovering from the nasty accident on Wednesday.
Purrs to you all from Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We stopped by and left her a comment!
So sad; so many like this now with the economy so bad. Not that this wasn't always a problem but it has gotten so much worse.
What a wonderful person to take in this kitty and do all the hard work that needs to be done. She will earn her angel wings for sure!
Hugs, Pets and Purrs,
thanks for posting this Miss Peach!! Kittie does appreciate all the well wishes that come her way! Maybe that is why she is so determined in getting better! So many little steps and lots of wheezy purrs :)
We went over to visit - thanks for letting us know about her Misses Peach! We think that maybe things are going pretty good based on the newest post there.
And we hope that everyone is doing ok after the accident a few days back - we are still purring for everyone.
What a wonderful story, we are so happy that adorable girl found someone with a good heart to take care of her=we love happy endings!...Have a fun weekend sweet friends...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
My dear Sunshine!!!!! How terrible that your beloved Cole and his family should have such a close brush with death!! They surely must have a good guardian angel :) Give them all a big hug from us :)
We stopped by to see Kitty also. She is looking well and we think your friend is amazing for taking this kitty in and giving her a chance for a comfortable life in her Golden years :)
Hugs & Kisses,Moonshine
What a heartwarming story. I'm so glad Kittie has an angel now to give her love & care!
I visited her blog & left a comment too.
That's so sad. Poor little kitty!
Oh that poor old girl. Bless your friends heart for taking her to the vet and looking out for her.
We feel that a cat in that condition should never be returned to their "owner" because they obviously don't care.
Poor kitty, she certainly is in bad shape to be wandering around trying to fend for herself! We think your friend is wise to not try to find the one who left her roaming. We hope she does have a few good years left.
Thank you so much for sharing Miss Kittie's story with us. She has found a good home and an angel to care for her. We would love to hear more about how Cole and his family are doing, too.
Love and hugs,
Roberta and Mr. Whiskers
Poor Kitty! That's great that someone has taken her in. I stopped by and left a comment too.
Oh, grey stripy kitty...you have a second chance at a lovely life...Yay!
We see a lot of arthritic kitties at the cat hospital where I work, too!
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