The fancy dreamy yards and yards of lace bed?
Miss Peggy's super cool hairy blanket? (Mommy picks this one hands down! We also have another hairy blanket on order just in time for the chilly fall weather! Thank you Miss Peggy!)
Or the wicker kitty basket with the chenille pillow?
All of these spots are better than the litter girls box and even the hard frying pan. They say that variety is the spice of life...mommy thinks I am over spiced! I hope you are enjoying the long Labor Day weekend. Soon the quiet time will begin when we get those cozy nesting feelings...
I'd love to curl up in any of these with you, beautiful girlcat!!! *RUMBLEpurr*
I pick the hairy blanket!
~ Molly ~
We like da wicker basket, ourselves.
~ Shadow and Trooder ~
Oh oh oh I want da lace bed! Please please please???!!!
I is Jake!!
i would sleep in the wicker basket... the lace... and the blanket....-hansel
i would like the blanket please.-tesla
I would go with the hairy blanket, for sure!
I think the first looks the most beautiful, the hairy blanket the warmest and the final one the most cozy, so I think it would depend upon my mood..
I'l come and cuddle up to you Miss Peach.. You look so comfy and dreamy.. That fluffy blanket looks grand..
Hugs GJ xx
Charlemagne votes for the basket and Tamar says the lace bed!
We hope that you've had a great Labor Day weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar
They are all nice, but we like the harry blanket, best.
You're spoilt for choice Ms Peaches. We like the hairy blanket.
Miss Peach, you are such a special kitty that you can have all the special sleeping spots you want!
We say put Miss PH's Hairy Blanket in the Kitty Bed, Miss Peach!That would be the best of both worlds. Mama Daisy says she would go for the lace, but not to sleep in. She likes to play with things like that.
Purrs from L'il Rascal and Mooch in Airy Zona wif all the other cats at Sheep Thrills Farm
Hands down, the hairy blanket. Miss Peach, you seem to just sink right into it, so it's perfect for you.
Hands down, the hairy blanket. Miss Peach, you seem to just sink right into it, so it's perfect for you.
They all look like great spots. Yet I'd pick the wicker kitty basket cause it looks extra cozy.
They all look especially cozy Miss Peach. I think you should have a special sleep spot for every day of the week!
I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day and things are calming down in the garden.
Ooo, what GRRR-8 places those are Miss Peach!!! Here's our picks...
Skeeter...The Lace
King...The basket
Pandora...The hairy blankie
Thanx for coming to visit us this weekend!
Miss Peach if it were me I would try to combine all three somehow - not sure exactly how but I woudl work on it. The kitties are tough to guess - I know that Barney and Floyd would go with the hairy blanket (to suck on at least), Lola might go lace (as a girl it seems like it) and Virgil and Kirzon (the tuxies of course) would go with the wicker basket I think.
I would pick the basket fur sure! But they are all great spots for different types of naps.
Good Evening Sunshine !!!!!!!!!!
My sweet, it would be heaven for you to come here when your folks are away :)
That hairy blankie would be so perfect too !!!!!!!!!! That's my pick ;) heehee
Hugs & Kisses,Mickey
I think we would chose the basket but Banshee would like to take her claws to that lace.
Looking sweet as ever, Miss Peach!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Miss Peach a ladycat should always have several places to nap! I agree with your Mom and pick the furry blanket
Both momma Isia and I picked the hairy blanket as it's fluffs are about the colour of our furs so no one would see we were sleeping in the middle of it! ;)
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