We had a purrrfect last day of the year and even stayed up until midnight! Cole came over and spent the night with me. Mommy cooked a German Goulash for dinner, then later we had tea and cookies while we watched the Honeymooners marathon on TV. 
After the ball dropped in Times Square, we toasted the Mew Year, kissed and passed out Party Mix!
I quickly went back under my kitchen sink because fireworks do not impress me. The beans watched "A Christmas Carol" with Reginald Owen that was filmed in 1938. I have to tell you that this was a most delightful version and Cole loved it! Soon it was off to bed for him too with a reading of "Goodnight Moon" and a promise of bacon and eggs for breakfast...want to come over? I still have plenty of Party Mix and a few Greenies!
Oh we also have a winner in the guess Cole's cast color...DERBY guessed peachy pink and that was pretty close to purrrrfect! Only a real secure young man sports a pink cast!
Thank you all for your very good guesses. Enjoy the first day of the rest of the year...only 364 days until Christmas!!
Happy New Year !!!
Wie schön, Cole in Eurem Kreise fröhlich feiern zu sehen. Das kann nur eine schöne Feier mit Goulasch und anderen Leckereien gewesen sein.
Ich wünsche Euch alles alles Liebe und Gute für 2009 und eine schöne Woche in Oregon.
Kommt gesund und munter zurück. Liebe Grüße, Birgit
Happy New Year Sunshine !!!!! <3
I am happy you had a great celebration!! We did too. We stayed home. Good thing because we got a BIG storm that started last night and is still raging today :o
I think we will be snuggling a lot today until the wind goes away. Then there will be a lot of cleaning up to do outdoors!!!! It's good to be a cat ,heehee
Give Cole and Lapdaddy a big hug for me. Cole's cast is pawsome :)
Hugs & Kisses,Mickey
I'm glad that Cole is doing ok and making the most of having to wear a cast by picking one in a colour Skeezix would be proud to sport! ;) Mummy's hoping to be able to tell for sure if I'm pregnant any day now, so I'm getting a LOT if belly rubs here... :)
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year! It sounds like you had a perfect celebration.
Honeymooners marathon!!! Our mom & dad have the DVD of all the Honeymooners episodes! Its a favorite of theirs! Good classic comedy.
Happy New Year to all of you!
A happy New Year to you Miss Peach! And to your whole family!!!
Siena & Chilli
Wishing you a very happy New Year!
I'm blind! That pink is so bright!!! I'm blind!!!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year my Dear Ones! My Miss Peach, you had a wonderful New Year's Eve! I'm so glad Cole spent it with you. I hope you and Mommy Karla and Lapdaddy and your whole family have a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year. I look forward to many visits at your Cozy Cottage in 2009!
Lots of Love,
Oh Miss Peach your services *are* required for some Valentines Kittens! :)
Happy New Year to you & your family, Miss Peach! :)
Sounds like a perfect New year's eve.
Hope 2009 is a good one for you.
What a lovely night is sounds you all had! And I can see some extra special cuddles from the little man :)
We would never have guessed pink, but like you said only a secure young man can pull it off :)))
Happy new year Miss Peach to you and your family! :)
Happy Mew Year to you, too, Miss Peach. Hope you and your beans have a very blessed 2009! Here's a link to a card that you and your beans might find enjoyable:
Blessings and furry hugs,
Happy New Year Miss Peach!!! We hope that 2009 is filled with blessings for you.
Your Friends,
Kon and Sly
Happy New Year to all of you!
We slept and slept...Meowm played a bit with us too. It was calm and enjoyable for all of us.
Dear Miss Peach, Momma, Lap Daddy & Cole we want to wish you a Happy New Year & A Prosperous 2009!! We love you so much our dear friends!! Have a lovely Day!
Your FL furiends,
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