the Topcatrules girlcats in the land down under!
A week of blissful beauty by the seashore....
We are off to Depoe Bay in Oregon bright and early today. Oh we will miss you all so much while we are gone next week. There is a really cool store in Newport that is just for us kitties. There is a sign in the window there that says, "The cat called and said you better buy her something here or the furniture will be toast!" Mommy will shop there fur sure! If it is not too cold, maybe I can go along...but I will probably sleep all week under the covers if the ocean is full of storms and only come out when the sun shines. The forecast is for rain all week...the beans do not care one bit...Hunny Bunny and the gang outside are well taken care of with the pet sitter Miss Vickie. Last night the Lapdaddy went out into the cold darkness and came home with a heated water bowl for them... it is so big they can use it for a hottub!! Please remember how much you all mean to me and do not forget me while I am gone...I love you all dear friends.

Let your bells ring us in loud and clear.
Give us health aplenty and want for nothing
and hope for a better year.
With loving friends to surround us
and thankful hearts to guide us
we are sure to be content in all circumstances.

Enjoy your holiday, hope the weather will be good. It is Mickey's mombean's birthday today, so since it is not snowing here for a change, our beans will take her out for dinner.
Happy New Year.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Good Morning Sunshine !!!!! <3
I will miss you all week,my sweet Peach!!!! I do hope you have a good time and I hope your Mom gets you something nice from that kitty store ,heehee
Purrs & Headbutts,Mickey
PeeEss: Thanks for the birthday wishes,Nancy
Dear Miss Peach ,how lovely you look on this pictures..I must send a copy to Mr Bee,he will Love it.
Take care dear, and see you soon..
Hug Miss Moussie
That is bootiful awt Miss Peach
I will miss you but wish you avewy cozy , wondewful twip..come back safely..I'm so glad the fuwwies awe all taken such good cawe of
love andsmoochie kisses
I hope your mum has a nice holiday and hope your mum goes in that store and buys something nice for you furbaby's.
Hope you vacation goes well. That cat store sounds like our mom could lose a few hours in there too.
Hooray for Lapdaddy and the heated cat bowl!!
Happy New Year to my favorite sweet and lovable Peachiekins.
Love always, Princess
Oh Miss Peachy!!! We couldz nevfur for-gets you. We justee missed wishin' you a Happy NEw Year cuz da momee here waz too lazy.
Love, Dr Tweety
Auntie Stinkie: Dear Miss Peach,
I hope you can come to tea with me soon. I so loved hearing the descriptions about your beautiful old fashioned cards. You are a class act my friend.
We hope you have a wonderful trip!! We will miss you & we'll be waiting for you to come home home.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Have a good time on your trip. We will miss you!
Oh, we love the Oregon Coast - we have stayed in Depot Bay before - and we went to the Newport Aquarium - very fun! Have a great time Miss Peach and Mamma & LapDaddy too. XOX T.
Dear Miss Peach sister,
I hope the weather is good as well,
this year, Michico says she finally knows how much important the sunshine is, she loves the sunshine in the winter~!!!!
I hope you will have the best year ever!!!!!!
And I am still here always support you and love you and thinking of you for always~!
Those are some very lovely photos of you Miss Peach! :) Once you're back from your trip to the ocean I now that Isis wanted to introduce you to her friend Baillee - she's a sweet little girly Aby who's my colour! :)
Happy new year!
I hope the weather will be nice.
Have a good time on your trip(*^_^*)
A beautiful site! Just slipped over from Rosehaven Cottage, so glad I visited. Enjoy your holiday!
Have a great time and we will see you when you return!
Oh my dear friends, I will miss you terribly! But, I hope you have a wonderful time in your cozy condo by the ocean. I love the sound of waves.
That store sounds so cute! I hope Mommy Karla has lots of fun sightseeing while you stay snuggly inside Miss Peach. I can't wait to see pictures of your seaside vacation.
Sending my Love,
I have a quiz for you to take for fun Miss Peach, and I hope your having a great 2009!
We hope you are enjoying your holiday. We hope that you aren't too cold where you are.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
OH Miss Peach! The picture of you is absolutely lovely!
We miss you and hope your Beans are having a good vacation.
Have a gweat howiday Miss Peach! I will be thinking of you.
Have a great vacation and come home safely. I think that cat store sounds like a wonderful place to browse through.
Happy Purr-day dearest Cousin!
Hope your card arrived safely.
You also have a little purrday post on my blog.
Will look forward to hearing all your holiday tales soon.
Love & gentle strokes
Hi Miss Peachiecurlykins, I hope you are doing well with your beans away.
stay warm and happy
Purrr purrr
Happy Purrday!
Happy Birthday, Miss Peach :-D
Happy Birthday Miss Peach!
Have a wonderful trip, Miss Peachy Pie! And we Ballicai are furry glad that Hunny Bunny and the crew have a good purrson to look after them. We Ballicai wish you the happiest of happy purrthdays -- wowie, you are Sweet Sixteenies now! But you have always always always been sweet -- you are one of the furry sweetest kitties we know and we are so glad to have you as part of our fambly.
Kittyhugs and purrs and lots of love from MaoMao and alla the Ballicai!
Happy Sweet 16 Miss Peach!
We hope you have a great week and wonderful weather. We miss you so much!
Happy Birthday dear Peachie.Big birthday cuddles....
headbutts, purrs and hugs
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Are you home yet, Mommy Karla and Miss Peach? I sure do miss you!
Happy Birthday to you my sweet Peach! 16 is a wonderful milestone for a kitty! I know Mommy Karla is grateful that you are so healthy. What will you do to celebrate, another tea party? That would be fun! I look forward to your vacation pictures. Get some rest.
Love and Smoochies,
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