Sandy paws brought me two bags of treats. I wonder which I should have as a snack tonight? Maybe GREENIES....?
Oh one more cool grandkid bean COLE, who broke is wrist sledding last week, finally got his permanent cast on today! The first kitty who guesses what color it is wins a prize!!
I's gonna guess purple.
I likes yours unnersink hidey place, Miss Peach. An yours pad looks really soft.
Love and Purrs,
I guess red for the Red Sox.
Today the vet is coming to the shelter and I'm going to learn to use the autoclave.
Spirit and Ezra sez... We'ze gonna guess blue. We wants to come to yur houze. You gots lotsa nummy treats!
Good Morning Sunshine!!!! <3
You look so lovely on your cozy bed with the new cover :) You would look lovely anywhere!!
I am sorry your Mom is not feeling well.I will send purrs so she will be ready for vacation!!
I see the good colours are chosen,so I will guess BLACK. I like black ;)
Keep warm Sweetie and dream of me as I dream of you :)
Purrs Moonshine <3
I guess BLUE 'cuz I like BLUE!
You has a furry pretty treat plate, Miss Peach. Bebe is jealous.
Have good vacation! Me miss you!
We were going to say red too cuz we know he likes the red sox. But someone already picked that color so we are going to say green.
Hmmm. How about blue?
Your bed looks so cozy, Miss Peach. And you look so tiny in those pix. You haven't lost your youthful beauty.
Oh, Peachy we were going to guess red also but will say beige. We checked out Depoe Bay on the net and it looks like a really cool place to visit with lots of good restaurants. Have a great vacation. We will miss you.
Normie, your special little (tiny) friend
You look purrty comfy Miss Peach!
We are guessing orange to match your furs!!!!!!
I am going to say the color is Blue, this is the color my son had, his favorite color. I hope he is not in any pain. Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
No one has guessed green yet so I will do that!
I like your house under the sink. It is so nice. And because your person was so nice to do that, I hope she gets better very quickly so you all can enjoy your vacation!
we iz gonna say green
Hmm, we think that Cole's cast may be blue! It seems that boys will choose blue. We are very sorry that his arm has a big hurtie.
Your bed under the sink look so sofy and cozy Miss Peach.
Our boys always picked black so we will guess black.
You are adorable under the sink. Will mom take that bed with you on vacation?
Are you going to stop by for a visit???
Hey, no one has guessed yellow so I'm going for it!
We are going to guess BLUE.
Enjoy your treats and your hidey hole. The purple cloud looks very comfy. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
That looks so vewy cozy and comfy it makes me want to join you undew that's also a vewy bootiful colow to highlight youw gowgeous haiw!
Have a wondewful vacation and I wish you love and good health and tweats thwoughout the yeaw!
Is the cast owange?..(hehehehIt'a the only colow I evew think of)
smoochie kisses
Hello cozy Miss Peach! I'm so sorry Mommy Karla is catching a cold. hopefully it's just a little one that vitamin C can beat. I really hope you have a fun vacation. We will all miss you!
I will guess purple too. I hope Cole's wrist heals quickly. Hey, now he will be able to predict rain with his wrist! :) That is the way of broken bones sometimes and I'm not sure why.
I loved all of your pictures with lapdaddy and of the precious kitty who has gone on before. He is so adorable.
Take care Dear Ones.
love and Hugs,
Wow, Peachie, you found a wonderful home under the sink. Maybe we come to visit you there.
Love the window view!
Max had a blue Gipsarm. Maybe Cole has a blue too
We are afraid about tomorrow because of the firework and the Silvesterknaller.
I'm going to guess black! Why? cause I'm a House Panther.
I'm so glad you got to have both treats for a snack. purrrrrs that blanket looks very soft. perfect for a soft lady like you!
hi miss peach, we think the new cast is going to be fluorescent lime green! we hopes he heals up his arm soon so he can go play again (only this time no hitting the dugout).
yuki, kimiko, & kintaro
we forgot to ask how the outside kitties are doing. are they sleeping on the heated pad at night?
yuki, kimiko, & kintaro
When mom gots her cast der was a peachy color so we'z gonna gess dat. Mom gots da blue only cuz she din't care about da color and dat is what dey hadded right at hand.
Is it peachy pink?
Hmmm - it looks like most of the colors we were going to say are already picked. Maybe brown?
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Has anyone guessed orange yet? My mom and dad LOVE Depoe Bay...they used to have a rickety old book shop that had kitties living in it...we don't know if it's still there. The place was almost falling apart the last time we were there and that was awhile was called the Channel Bookstore.
I am sorry to hear that Cole had a break in the bone. I was going to guess the cast color as blue but someone has guessed that already. So I guess I will say . . . .the other choices are guessed too. . .I will go with the blue anyway and not be the first.
Wishing you the best for the New Year 2009!
Ohhh yay Cole! I bet he will get lots of cool signatures.. hrrm my guess is green!But Momma says yellow.. I don't see a boy with yellow though,.. hrrm maybe lime green, that way Momma and I meet half way. But not for the prize just for the fun!
Miss Peach your Momma is so very clever, your Bed looks just so extra comfy!!!
We wish your Momma and dadda a lovely holiday! and hope they travel safe:))
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