Today the weather was warm and wonderful...sort of like Indian summer. I spent the day sleeping out on the patio, first here....
then here....
This is where I have NOT spent any time sleeping yet...

then here....
Peachy mommy here, "Do not let Miss Peach fool you. I saw here inside the box on top of the Cold Box last night. I don't know how long she was in there, but her pink nose was peeking out! She came to bed with me during the night and stayed with me until we woke up. It was real cozy to have her come on her own and snuggle down inside my arms...."
My Pyewacket does that! She goes hunting for bugs in front of the dishwasher at night, then comes in to sleep with me. :)
So cozy!
I love bedtime cuddles with My Mummy too, in fact I can't wait to have some more as we have a new bed!!! :)
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!! <3
It is so nice to have lots of warm snoozy spots!! As I get older,I too like to snooze next to Mom's pillow and she gives me pats & scritches :)
I am happy you liked my posts about older cats :) You are too silly talking about dentures,heehee As far as I am concerned, you are just perfect!!!!!
Purrs Moonshine
Oh Miss Peach, how cute you are in today's and yesterday's pictures! Your new bed is so pretty! Mommy Karla, you are so crafty to think of that. How wonderful that Peachie came to you to snuggle at night. You look like you are enjoying nice weather too. It's cold and cloudy here. I hope it stays nice for you until you can make a snuggly place for Hunny Bunny. Hopefully white kitten will be willing to be touched soon and Buddy will forgive you.
I hope you have another wonderful day at the Cozy Cottage. There's no place like home is there?
Love and Hugs,
Snuggling with your Mommy is the best! No one else is as warm & snuggly!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Miss Peach....those all look like great places to sleep! Just think.....Hunny Bunny and buddy would love a place like that last one to sleep!
Ah but to feel the last of the autumn sun! How wonderful! Miss Peach aren't you lucky?!
Miss Peach, my Mommie gets real happy when I snuggle up close to her at night, too. Sometimes I would rather just sleep down by her knees though.
Glad its still nice enough for you to curl up in the sun outside. But cuddling your your mom is the best cuddle of all!
Hi Miss Peach,
I hope your feeling well my sweet friend.You look so cute and cozy in the photos...Hugs Ariel
I'm big on cuddling as well, but that new little bedroom your mom made looks like a great place to hide and nap.
We also like cuddling in bed with our Mom and Dad. Kon likes to sleep right be Mom's head and I like to snuggle on top of Mom and Dad sometimes too.
I just love your furrs Miss Peach, they is like they iz done with a crimping iron :)
There is no better place than snuggling next to the Momma!
When she is awake I sleep in my little bed up high, but I iz Mommas shadow where Momma is I iz :)
You are so beeeeyooteeful!
Hey! I bet you know where I am!!!!
We always enjoy the view of your sleeping spots, Miss Peach. :)
Bedtime cuddles are the best, we used to take turns sleeping on mommie!
Miss Peach dear - can you please go into your very pretty box and sleep in there for a while?
Your mom went to so much trouble to make it and it is just specially right for you. :)
Hugs from Pye and Trixie and Tigger. :)
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