Looking out the window will be a new pass time for me soon. The chill of autumn is in the air and the cozy cottage never felt better.
Soon mommy and Lapdaddy will have this to deal with...
Until then, I am content to snooze on the bed when I am out of my box for a quick change of scenery...
In the garden I still have some nice fuzzy visitors on the Michaelmas daisies...
Wishing you a wonderful Monday to start another week. Remember, DEMAND your rights, you are a cat after all!!! Where is my PARTY MIX!!!!?

Looks like you're getting some good napping in there Miss Peach! :)
haha I love the comics! And I thinks you looks better on the bed than in your box Miss Peach.. evens peachier having parent snuggles,you know they iz warm :)
PES: what a great shot os a bzzzz
Your a great snuggler! I laughed my tail off at that comic!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!! <3
You look so lovely sleeping on the bed :)
I agree that it is nice to be inside on the cool days :) Soon the heat will be turned on :)
I am snoozing today. It is Thanksgiving and I am thankful that I have you in my life :)
Purrs Mickey
Enjoy your napping Miss Peach! You look so comfy.
You look vewy cozy..I love autumn..Snoozes awe the best!!! Youw fuaay visitows willhelp make youw gawden even bettew next yeaw.
I'm so glad you'we coming to my pawty
smoochie kisses
Hi Miss Peach!
I loved the comic, these humans really got into the right spirit. That looks nice and cosy what you're doing on that bed - I'll have one of those right away!
Love, Siena
Mom bought some Party Mix but we haven't tried it yet.
You look extremely comfy on that bed under that nice blankie!!!
Happy Monday to you as well Dear Friend! You look quite cozy in your sleepy bag!
Ich wünsche Dir auch eine wundervolle Woche, liebe Karla.
LG Birgit
Great napping spot! Way to tell the beans about getting your treats.
Oh Miss Peach, you look so cozy on the pretty bed. I have the MCOL comic on my refrigerator. :)
I really like CoCo. She's cute!
Billie had a good weekend. I think she liked the warm weather we had. today was the last day of it. :(
I think Billie will just hold her own. She will be like Miss Peach; napping for long times and eating delicately. she likes her Party Mix too. I'm noticing that many kitties in kittyblog land do!
I hope you and Mommy Karla have a snugly evening.
All my Love and hugs too,
I enjoy seeing your sleeping pose, Miss Peach.
Makes my heart so warm~
Haha, Miss Peach! You sure made ur demand loud and clear!
Purrs and Hugs,
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