Mommies friend who lives in Cape Cod sent us this
touching rescue story that I thought would warm your hearts!

"We have a mama cat and her four light gray kittens and mama's sister's four dark gray kittens. As yet we cannot trap the other mama, but the one we have, Foxy, is feeding all eight. Can you imagine!?! We are helping her out a bit by hand feeding a couple of times a day. The older ones will be drinking from a plate very soon. That will really help."

Oh Peachie...what a nice sunday story. Those are so sweet little kitten and the red mommy is really friendly to feed them all.
Dear Peachie ,don´t be worry, that is a question to ask Luna too. She also never had the chance to have kitten. We don´t know if she miss that very much....purrrrrs Luna
Viele liebe Grüße
Gorgeous pictures and blog template Miss Peach. :)
And topcatrules girls are all single lady cats. :)
Ohh that poor Momma kitteh.
That is an awful lot of little sharps teefs to feed. How lovely of her to look after than as well.
Miss Peach do not think about being a Momma kitty, it would be horrible to have your babies taken away and then even not knowing the homes they are going to.. you iz much better off :))
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!! <3
Sweetie,I believe you would have been a wonderful Mom and your kitties would be so good looking :)
Now,you have an opportunity to be a great Auntie :)
Have a wonderful day!!!!!
Purrs Moonshine
oh kittens kittens kittens!
MissPeachiesisterkins, this is a happy and wonderful sunday postie!
love and purrrs
(mom has trouble typing sorry)
Awwww, my darling sister, what a precious story, and what beautiful pictures. The little itty bitty kittens made Mom say SQUEE!!!!!
I think you would have been a wonderful momcat. Mom doesn't know whether or not I have ever had kittens because I showed up on her back porch as a stray two years ago, and I was already in the neighborhood of ten to twelve years old, according to the vet. And I have had a ladygardenectomy, but nobody knows whether I might have had kittens as a young ladycat, and I haven't told anybody! *grin*
But Dorydoo has definitely never had kittens because she came to Mom and Dad as a tiny kitten herself and had her ladygardenectomy at nine months old. *smile*
I love your bloggie's new dress, dear -- it's purrfect! :)
You are always in my heart, precious sister. Much love and floofysistersnuggles and warm purrs from your adoring Marilyn.
Oh what lovely kits. And I like the new background.
Miss Peach, thank-you so much for telling Foxy's story. You are very sweet.
I love the new look of the blog. The color suits you:-)
We are so glad the mama is feeding both sets of kittens. We think what you are doing with your foundlings is a good thing too.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We are sure u'd make a wonderful mommie to ur kitties, Miss Peach. Imagine all of them with ur soft fuzzy furs, wat a sight it would be! :)
We hope that the mama'a sister can be caught, she may have excess milk and it would be most uncomfortable for her.
Purrs and hugs,
Miss Peach yoo would have been a GREAT Mommy Cat!! The mom says those kittens are beautiful and the top of Cape Cod is only about a half hour from where we live - dats close!
My Dear Miss peach,i am sure you would have been a wonderful mommy,and the kittens just adorable and curly..Eight kittens..imagine!
I hope to be a daddy some day...but i believe something happend with my macho parts...
Your dedicated friend Mr Bee
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