I know it isn't Cat Art Sunday today, but I just wanted to share some of the art that mommy made last month. The rainbow cards turned out very pretty.
This is a silly crazy old cat lady ATC!
October is breast Cancer Awearness month...did your mommy get squeezed yet? Breast CancerAwareness
This ATC is for Pet Cancer Awearness month...we have all been touched by this heartbreaking pain...
And this cute card came in the mail from one of her friends! Too funny:)
There is a chill in the air now and mommy put the flannel sheets on the bed in hopes that I might come and sleep with her there. In true cat form, I am now in love with the box that I wouldn't give the time of day just a few short days ago! I spend all my time in it. I order room service and have my mail delivered to me there...why would I leave?
If you order room service in your box, Miss Peach, wouldn't it be a boxed lunch? hahaha!
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!! <3
What a lovely collection of cards!!! The last on made me giggle ;)
I love that you spend your time in your fancy box and demand to be spoiled there ;)
Have a snuggly cozy day sweetie :)
Purrs Mickey
Good morning Dear ones!
What wonderful cards! I have been playing with my stamps too. I like the Got milk? one. :) The Persian kitty too of course. Miss Peach I'm so glad you are keeping warm and cozy in your box. Billie is sleeping in the bathroom in front of the heat register right now after eating a good breakfast. We are supposed to get to 70 today. I am tired and achy but I'm hoping some sunshine this afternoon will perk me up. I hope the sun shines for you at the Cozy Cottage.
You are both in my heart.
Love and hugs,
That is wonderbubble that you love you box so much now Miss Peach, though it is still nice to crawl into bed with the Momma occasionally to give and receive the love, it is good for the soul :)
They are all very nice cards!!
The last one made Momma giggle, it is cute! :)
Thats so funny! I like your Mommy's artwork!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Peach, you sure keep your mom guessing!
Oh those are lovely!
Wunderschön, Karla! Traumhafte Dinge, die Du da gemacht hast.
Übrigens, mit etwas Glück müsste mein Päckchen die Tage bei Dir ankommen.
LG und ein schönes Wochenende,
Those are some VERY cute cards!!!!
Meowm is trying to decide when to put the flannels on our bed. It doesn't make much difference to us because we sleep on top of the covers. We are thinking of having a discussion with her about some nice flannel on top for us.
Junior and Orion
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