Please pick me!
All of these beautiful kittens in the top photo went on their way to the Spay & Neuter Clinic. This will give them freedom from becoming kitten factories. Hunny Bunny and her little gray girl kitten will be coming back here today. I hope they were not too scairt while they were gone to the operation place... The white kitten who ran away really misses them, it cried all day. The red kitten has been responding so well to mommies comfort. He has played with a ping pong ball and purrrred in mommies arms by the end of the day. Quite a difference from the hissy fit kitten he was yesterday! This is very good progress indeed. Hey! This is Wordless Wednesday mommy...stop talking and pay attention to ME!
Ooh more kittens, Oh how I love kittens! :) That little red guy is mighty cute Miss Peach, just like a fluffy peach you could just gobble up with love! ;)
Back to my singing lessons for now I think, maybe if I sing hard enough Mummy will let me have more kittens to take my mind of wanting to be an Opera singer now?! ;)
Ohh I wishes I could have them all as Brothers and sisters!!
Your Momma is so good Miss Peach you must give her lots of loving to show her you are thankful she is helping little guyz that need it :)))
It's a very good thing that your mommy is doing Miss Peach!
Yay for spay and neutering. We're glad the little red kitten is purring now instead of hissing. He's starting to trust your Mommy!
Dearest Peachy, I left a message on your furrends blog. My heart aches for her, there is no worse pain.
Tell your Momma you deserve an extra pat of butter today from me.
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!!! <3
It is so nice to see that your Mom is looking after Mama kitty and her babies. They are so cute and she is getting them ready for loving homes.
I pray that they will be as lucky as we have been.
Hugs and kisses to you may sweet ,patient girl :)
Purrs Moonshine
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww it shows what love can do. what a sweet kitty. i'm sure the white one will be happy to see his mommy and sibling when they get back.
we're glad you're feeling better Miss Peach. we were very worried
The POPP place does look very clean and neat. We are glad the orange kitten is getting calmed down. We do hope the white one can be caught sooner rather than later.
Oh was für süße Kätzchen, Karla. Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, bringt ihr sie alle zum Kastrieren. Das ist eine wundervolle Aufgabe, die Du übernimmst. Und sicherlich ganz freiwillig, nur um den Katzen zu helfen.
Liebe Grüße, Birgit
Oh....look at the kittens! What a nice facility!!! Your Mommy is so sweet to be helping these babies!
Sweet Miss Peach, we know it is hard to share your Mommy...but just remember that she loves YOU best!
Oh those are adorable kits. But kits shouldn't take up everything Miss Peach. Where is your attention?!
We wish the little white kitty would let your mom catch him/her(?) so they could be a family again.
Don't worry, Miss Peach, you're first in your mom's affections.
We are so happy that they have been spayed and neutered and have chances to find loving forever homes. They are all very cute. ~S,S & C
Oh I hope they find a home!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Aww, look at all those puddin's needing homes. Miss Peach, you and your Mommy are angels to take such wonderful care of Hunny Bunny and her wee-ones. Thank you for being so very good!!!!!!!
What wondewful wowk youw Mommi is doing..Thankhew fow all of us
I hope you get lots of attention and love today
smoochie kisses
I've never seen a grey kitten except in photo's. Honestly I haven't! He's beautiful. They all are. I want them all! I met a little black cat on my walk today. Some squirrels were "barking" in a tree, doing their alarm call. So I looked around to see what had scared them, and there was this tiny wee black moggy looking up at them. I called over to him, "What are you doing to those squirrels?" and he sauntered over, all cheek, and let me give him a nice rub round the ears and stroke to the end of his tail. He was so, so soft. I wanted to pick him up and snuggle him. But I daren't because he might have followed me away from his territory. But ahhh, I ached to hug him!
I might be going to my mum's this weekend so I will get to see my own again.
Thank you for the message re the Secret Santa and our own card exchange- yes, I will do an autumn card for you! I'll start it tonight! I'll email you my address.
Oh, Speedy is in kitty heaven over all dem kittens. We sure hope dey all find loveing homesl
MissPeachiekins, your mommie is a beautiful personbean.
I am so glad that kittens are doing well!!
purrrs and love always
Oh goodness, I've been away too long and had a lot of catching up to do here at your lovely cottage. What a wonderful treat to find the story of Hunny Bunny and her kittens. It's wonderful to see the work you are doing with them!
How are u feeling today, Miss Peach? Ur mommie is really doing a great job to help hunny bunny and her kittens get furever homes, even though she has no experience with kittens before!
Remember to take ur medicines and have a nice snoozy day!
Purrs and hugs,
Dearest Miss Peachy!!! We iz soo happee to see dats your momee gotted da new kitteez help wit der babee partsez. Are you gonna keep dem all? You iz a furry good teacher Miss Peachy... I would follow what you said to do fur sure. -Dr T
Auntie Stinkie: My dearest friend, This has been a rough week hasn't it? MAy I interest you in a good cuppa? Do you take cream my friend? We may not nannerz, but I don't mind a spot of ice cream now and then! I hope we can do some regular visiting at the end of October. I am keeping my paws crossed.
Tell your mommy to hurry back, especially if you are not feeling so well. Please do not let these kittens wear you out dear. I say a good whap now and then does wonders!
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