This was mommies favorite coffee mug...she broke the handle it is a cat food scoop. Can you see Hunny Bunny with her electric blue eyes on it?
She really does look just like it...complete with a Madame Pierre Ronsard!
Lapdaddy moved out one fence picket so we can entice the mites over to begin solid food. As of today, it is working. They still run when we approach, but tiny kittens steps at a time is how we hope to get them tame.
Oh my! Babies!
She look so close to our Ghost Kitteh visitor!!
And she sounds like a lovely Momma, your momma sounds just as lovely trying to help a single MOmma :)
Hunny Bunny and the mites are lovely. So nice that they have someone to feed them. ~S, S & C
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!!!! <3
I love your velvet pillow!! It is very soft and warm ;)
Hunny Bunny is a lovely looking cat! I bet her furs are silky soft. Her kittens are so cute too! It is so nice of your Mom to offer a safe refuge for them :)
Are yoy on your cgshion ;)
Hugs,Moonshine <3
She is a lovely blue eyed Lady..
Hunny Bunny and the Mites are so precious. That is good you are caring for them.
Love and Purrs,
pee ess: We's all purring fur Mr. Texas an fambly.
Miss Peach, first of all, Mommy is SQEEEEEEIIINNNNGGGG over those beautiful babies and their Mommy! You and your family are so sweet to take such good care of them. They are so sweet!!! BABIESSSSS!!!!
Seaborne says that Hunny Bunny is just is type and he doesn't have a girlfriend. Maybe we can get the two of them together? They would make a beautiful couple.
How are you doing today Miss Peach? Mommy sends lots and lots of love!!!!!
So cute.
You all are doing a nice thing by feeding those kitties, and hope you can help them find Forever Homes.
Not The Mama
Miss Peach!!!!!! Those babies are sooooooooooooo cute and Hunny Bunny is being such a good Mom!!!
Thank you Miss Peach and Mom for taking care of these sweet kitties!
Oh my gosh, they are all just the cutest kittens and momma! Hunny Bunny, what a wonderful name!
(((((((hugs for being so wonderful to take care of them)))))))!
Your (finally dried out) FL furiends,
*sigh* They are all so beyootiful...We just love that piksher of Hunny Bunny sitting by the angel statue. Yoo and yoor mommy are so nice to take care of them. We is purring dat yoo can find dem all good forever homes. (((hugs))) to yoo and yoor mommy and lapdaddy too, after all, he did remove the board so they could get to your yard.
Oh look at those tiny ones. We love that mug.
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww that is great. we're sure your mommy will get them safe and sound. Hunny Bunny will feel her loving heart and the kittens will follow.
we are purring hard for Texas!
Hunny Bunny is a good momma!
we are purring hard for Texas. awwww, she is a very good mommakitty. and the babies are very beautiful
Hunny Bunny is a beautiful cat and her babies are so precious. We are glad you are feeding and caring for them. We miss having a white cat around here ever since our big brofur went on to da Rainbow Bridge. We miss him lots, he was lots of fun.
Mindy & Moe
Look at the lovely babies!
Those kittens are beautiful, just like their Mama. I hope they'll easily get used to your Mommy so she can help them more.
What cute little kittehs. We feel like big boys compared to them!
Those kits are cute!!!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Squeeeeeee!!!!!!! -SSS's Mom
They are so cute & mom longs to pick one up and feel their tiny kitten bones as she strokes their fur. What a bunch of cuties and such a wonderful momma they have!
Our Mom is doing the Squeeee thingy too! Those little mites are adorable and Hunny Bunny is a super Mom!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
The babies are so cute!
Texas is a gorgeous speciman of a kitty cat. Many purrs for hims.
Hunny Bunny is loverly and her kittens are getting quite big. I loved seeing these pics. Thanks.
That is the most beautiful family!
Oh Honey Bunny is so purrtee. We hopes da kittens gets used ta peepuls. Sumtimes ya jus hafs ta catch one n puts it in a room furs a while.
Mawmee helped a babee gets to likes peepul by doin dat n talkin meowies wif hur likes she was a Mawmee.
Duz Honey Bunny lets you pets hur?
If only you coulds gets them into a room fur a while...
Katie Too
who walked into hur Mawmee's frindz home all by hurself.
Oh Miss Peach, you are doing such a wonderful thing for Hunny Bunny and her kittens! :) You really are the bestest ever Lady-in-Waiting you know! If you can tame the kittens with your Mom's help before they get much bigger they can have lovely long and safe lives with people who will love them all their days! This is a very special thing and I love you all the more for helping to do it! :)
Your friend,
Oh my, what a lovely family. We hopes they can find forever homes.
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