In honor of ASPCA DAY, my blog is Orange today. I would like you to meet my new friend ALICE! She traveled ALL THE WAY across the country to be with me! My dear kind friends Samantha and Mr. Tigger thought I needed a Squillion of my very own. They also included that pretty handstamped card...mommy is very impressed with it...and she knows a good handstamped cat card when she sees it! Doesn't ALICE look happy next to the mousie that came from P B & J?
Ariel, created a wonderful award and my beautiful sister Marilyn passed it to me! Here's what Ariel said about it: "I was talking to mom recently about creating an award. Everyone knows someone who goes beyond. A person who always helps others, always has a kind word, a person with a heart of gold. So I told mom I wanted to make an award we could give to those we think deserve it." I would like to pass this pretty heart on to these kitties who always go way beyond: Junior, Dr. Tweety (and Auntie Stinkie:), The Sherwood Cat Clan and my friends Zippy, Sadie & Speedykattoniccats
So many kitties qualify for this sweet heart award and my hope is that you pass it on and it makes it's way onto every kitties blog !!
Alice looks very cute, not cute as you are, but very cute~~~~ That is so great you have your own Squillion~!
And I think your video is very very cute, I just wonder what are you doing inside, maybe adjustment your pose or something, anyway I think it's cute~~~~
And, Congratulations on your award!! I am so so happy for you~!
I think the Cherish Meme works so fast because you are very kind and generous to everyone in Cat Blogsophere, so every friends respond very fast, almost no need to tag, everyone just did~!!! That also makes me very touched as well~!!!
It is your great makes everyone of us praying for you and cherish more, I believe that!
So is now!!
For now, I need to cherish the time with Michico before she goes to Moscow, it will be long....I wondered who will play with me while I really bored, because my Pamilla mommy always back home too late from work everyday~~~ Oah My~~~~ I will be really lonely!!
Purr, lots of love and hugs from Taipei!
Oh Alice is so cute. We are glad that you have your own Squillion!
Love your video! As always!
Congratulations on your award...well deserved!
Love to you!!
I love your new friend! Alice looks very sweet. She'll make a wonderful addition to you loving home.
Congrats on your award!
Miss Peach, you look so cute fooling around in your little burrito!
That looks like a nice award Miss Peach. Nearly good enough to eat!
Hello Miss Peach! Now you have the award two times! I gave it to you, too!
Good Morning Sunshine!!!! <3
Oh my stars,you have a twin! Alice looks just like you :) She looks very nice in her place of honour by the violets :)
Your award is very fitting for you as well as those you passed it along to.
Sweetie,you made Mom & I smile watching you fluff up your burrito! Silly girl,but you know what you want!
I think Spring has finally arrived. Mom says that the daffodils and daylilies are sprouting!It won't be long now before we have blooms!!! YAY!!
I hope you have an opportunity to ebjoy warm breezes also :)
Hugs & Kisses,Moonshine
Oh, Miss Peach, your tail was left outside of your burrito! Perhaps you should punch it some more!
Thank you so much for the award Miss Peach!! I am honored!
It is very fun watching you settle in to your burrito.
Can you email me at juniobabeeAThotmailDOTcom please. I have a graphic for you.
Hi Miss Peach, we are so glad Alice fits right in! As for the cards, we got them from PB&J's Mom, my Mom only wishes she could make such cool cards! We love your video of you in your burrito your tail is so expressive!
Your FL furiends,
Concatuwations on the awardie! Your buwwito wooks so much fun!
Omigosh Miss Peach, yoor making us blush. Yoo certainly derserve this award...we aren't so sure that we do! We'll take it tho, only so we can pass it on to all our deserving frends. Alice is beyootiful and will make a great gaurdian of your dreams...hope you got yoor burrito just right and had a lovely nap!
PS: Congratulations on your Award, you do have a Heart of Gold and are so sweet and helpful!
Oh you're so cute in your burrito! I like your squillion. I had never heard of those until I started reading blogs. I'm very behind on visiting all the blogs I usually visit. I need to catch up today. I think my postings have been a downer lately, so I'm trying to think of something happier to post. It's hard when you don't feel it, but I've noticed I'm not getting very many comments when I'm blue. I will try to be bright orange and cheery like you. Orange is one of my favorite colors too! :)
I hope you have a happy day at the cozy cottage!
Much Love,
Oh Miss Peach I feel the need for a quiet getaway after last night... These kittens have so much energy!
PS: I wanna sound proofed burrito! ;)
Oh what a lovely violet Miss Peach. Congratulations on your award!
We like watching you get comfy in your burrito, but we wuz worried you might fall off.
Alice is cute.
Concatyoolayshuns on your award. We have another one furr you. You can collect it furrom our blog.
You in the burrito is so cute!!!! We were worried you might tumble off the edge for a second there!
Oh Sweet Miss Peach,
Your new squllion is adorable! The fuzzy mouse is just the right size for Alice too! And congratulations on your award, you are very deserving of the honor.
Alice is adorable! She looks very nice in your cottage.
That video of you making your burrito comfy made me and my Mum laugh and laugh and laugh - it was just so cute.
Have a good day my dear Miss Peach.
Do you snuggles under your Mom's blankies too? You do a greats job at it!
We has a place of honor for you today on my T 13.
Oh dat sqwilliyon ting iz furry nice lookin.'& cant's tink of a better frend to receev dat speshul award Miss Peachy, den you!
I cannot's beleev dat you iz gonna buyz some lemon-aid frum Miss Daisy! Dis makes openin' up da Itty Bitty Cafe possybull, & I yam on pinz & needullz!
I yam honored to accepts dis award from you, but I haz not been so good lately vizitin' my frendz & Tankin' dem fur what DEY do fur da bloggospear. But if anybuddy doez, it would be you Miss Peach.
We lovez you!
Dr Tweety
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