My sweet friend Cindy from ROSEHAVEN COTTAGE and the beautiful orange cat KELLIE have tagged me for the RANDOME FACTS MEME. We have decided to do this one together, mommy and me>(^,^)<
1} We are both redheads...but she has more grey now that she is of a certain age:) When she was little, people made fun of her hair and her mom kept a hat on her whenever they went strollering:( It gave mommy a complex:(
2} We are both very independant and always get our way. Poor Lapdaddy has a time of it around here with the two of us. He is very sweet and understanding and we don't even deserve him:)
3} I like ice creme and mommy doesn't!!!! She doesn't like peanut butter either!
4} Mommy sleeps in a nice cozy bed. I have a crinkle sack, a sleeping bag, a popup tent, a new blankie from Dragonheart, a fuzzy cup from the cat who came before me Minka, a crochette basket, an electric blanket,my pillow in the window, a new baby blue fuzzy blanket, a frying pan, a laundry basket, and my tomatoe box from California. I keep telling mommy that I am a cat who simply can not be pleased!
5} I need lots of sleep at least 22 hours a day! Mommy is a night owl and spends lots of time in her BAT CAVE making stuff. She loves the night because of it's peacefulness and the quiet all around her. She goes to bed around 3. I guess one could say she is up early in the morning:))
6} Mommy hates the telephone and never calls anyone. Lapdaddy always has to answer it when it rings. No one ever calls for me or I would answer it>(^,^)<
7} Mommy grew up in Bavaria with her Oma & Opa, she lived there until 1990. I grew up in Portland Oregon and lived there until 2001.
I will not tag anycat because so many of you have done this meme. Please do play along if you have not been tagged and let the fun continue:)
I enjoyed learning more about you and your mom, Miss Peach. :) I'm not surprised your mom doesn't like peanut butter, since she grew up in Bavaria, and most Germans here think peanut butter is a weird thing to eat (at least, in our experience). But ice cream! Oh my! Das Eis in Deutschland ist wunderschön! Die Deutschen machen leckeres Eis! Es schmeckt sehr gut!
You know, my mom hates answering the phone too, and she hates calling people. She makes my dad do when whenever she can. ;) She loves email, since it means she doesn't have to talk as much on the phone!
I think you would have liked to live in Bavaria too Miss Peach, as you can see in the photos it is a very beautiful (just like you).
Also, we never answer the phone in this house either. We leave it to the little man inside the answer phone to do that but then we forget to ask him who called and some people get real cross with us.
Hello Peach and Mom!
You can add us to the list of phone hating kitties and persons! We never even have the ringer on. We just make ML check the voice mail once a day. HA.
Do not be worried about us. We just need some time to be elsewhere right now. Lots going on and yesterday we got a letter that ML's grama is in the hospital, so there was the drama of that phone call to ML's mom. Of whom we will say no more. Ugh.
We are loving all the vintage photos of days past, and are about to post Willie's answers to this same meme.
See you soon,
Love, Mosaic Cats & Lady Waking Up Slowly
Pee Ess: We don't know if you have a site meter but we visit a lot. We just don't always comment. Sometimes we like to read quietly and not talk. It passes.
Thank you so much for letting me learn more about the two of you, Miss Peach and Karla!
I love the poem that you left for me at my blog. It touched my heart and resonated with everything that Autumn is for me.
We have a lot in common... I'm a redhead, I do my best creative work late at night, and I hate answering the phone (I make Hubby do it most of the time). Funny isn't it?
Cindy (and the kitties) at Rosehaven Cottage
Oh what a lovely meme. I learned so much about the two of you that was really wonderful. It's nice learning these little facts.
I love that photo, it is so beautiful. Miss Peach, I think it is very special that you and your mom are redheads.
Pixie also sleeps about 22 hours a day, but she does not get to sleep in a frying pan!
Those were very interesting facts about you and your family Miss Peach. Your mom and Oma are very pretty in that picture.
Our mom does not like to answer the phone either. She says it is because she was a receptionist in a busy office early in her career and has hated phones ever since.
Hi Miss Peach,
This was a fun meme and I enjoyed learning more about you and your mom. I think your mom's hair is beautiful.
Hey, my mom won't answer the phone either! Sounds like it's going around ...
That *is a lovely photo!
They are such nice looking beans!
My darling sister, I just loved reading your meme and learning more about you and your Mommy! You are both so precious. My mom is very independent, too, and just like your Mom, she hates answering the phone, talking on the phone, and just about anything to do with the phone, *giggle*! And guess what -- like your mom, my mom is a night owl -- she stays up usually until around 4 in the morning because she finds the "o'dark thirty hours" (as she calls them) the best time to work on her novels because they are so peaceful! She keeps hours much like us Ballicai.
You and your mom are both delightful ladies -- I am so lucky to have you as my sister, sweet Peachy!
Purrs and snuggles from your adoring sister,
We loved reading these things about you and your mom. We have a lot in common.... except our mom loves to sleep, but she bounces out of bed in the morning and is a blur of activity until bedtime.
We especially love this photo of your mommie and Oma in Die Alpen!
OH and our mommie does not like ice cream either.
She likes chunky peanut butter on triscuits only
Hello Miss Peach. :) I can understand that your mom doesn't like American ice cream. There are three things my humans know there are going to miss when we move back to Canada: Bavarian beer, bread and ice cream. Although Canadian beer is very good (especially the smaller microbrews) compared to American beer, it still can't compare with the Bavarian stuff. And they love having Bäckerei on every corner, where they can buy fresh Brot und Breze every day.
I like the fact the facts meme let moe know more about your mom bean. I love the picture of her in Alps with her Oma. The Alps looks like a very pretty place in the summer time. I bet there's nothing but snow in the winter.
Your mum doesn't like peanut butter????? I can't believe it! Oh well, I suppose that means there's more for me! Hehehehe! J x
That was a good meme - I learned alot more about you and your Mum.
Your Mum and my Mum have alot in common. They both have red hair. My Mum never had to hide hers under a hat though. They are both strong willed redheads that like to get their ways. They are both very independent. They are both night owls. They both hate the telephone. I must say, they are very, very alike!
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