Welcome to the COZY COTTAGE. This is the furever home of the memory of Miss Peach, our 18 year old Devon Rex angel kitty. I am Miss Hunny Bunny, she asked me to pour you a cuppa catmint tea as you read our old fashion mewsings about this and that. Please come by often...one lump or two? Now our precious Hunny Bunny is also an angel cat...please let me be your hostess at the cozy cottage...my name is Miss Hope.

Remember...only in our tomorrows will we realize what we had in our yesterdays.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Sorry we have been a bit absent these days...the cozy cottage is going to take a little break and go to the ocean for some much needed rest.  We have been so busy creating a little shabby chic  family, man cave, and a kitty run around like crazy, room in what used to be the Lapdaddy's woodworking shop.  Here are a few pictures of me having some fun in it.  Oh and I get to go to the ocean too of course!  Kitties need rest too!  We will post again when we get back...
 The walls have bead board and everything is painted bright white...that way in winter when it is gray we have white light treatment!  I love the small card table....the lace slides when I jump on it.  All the furnishings came from Goodwill or stuff we had stored in the garden shed.
 All my favorite toys are in the box for me to chose from...
 It is fun to have my midnight snacks by fiber optic light!